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ENG 1D1 Tuesday April 21st, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "ENG 1D1 Tuesday April 21st, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG 1D1 Tuesday April 21st, 2015

2 Meme of the Day

3 Today’s Agenda Essay Proposal Conferences Day 2 Essay Work Period
Quote Citations Write Your Introduction (when your proposal is approved) Homework: Introduction and quotes for body paragraphs due tomorrow Essay due Friday May 1st, 2015

4 Essay Conferencing Day 2
For those of you who went yesterday, you will be working quietly today. Unfortunately, I cannot answer more questions or meet with you again today as I need to conference with everyone in a short time period. If you have questions you can come see on your lunch. Each student will get 5 minutes to speak with me (I am setting a timer to be fair) If you feel like you need more time, please come visit me in the English Office on your lunch and I would be happy to help you Please have the following prepared: essay proposal outline completely filled out brainstorming ideas for your body paragraphs

5 Quotation Citations: For each quotation, you need to give credit to the author as it is not your own work. Each quote should be in the following format: Lead (give context) then punctuate (: OR ,) Quote in quotation marks single quotation marks if someone is speaking within a quote. Example: “He exclaimed, ‘It’s on fire’” (43). Citation in parenthesis - author’s last name and page # (name #). punctuation does not go inside the quote, it goes after the last bracket The only exceptions are ! and ? because they change how the text is read

6 Quotation Citation Examples
Example 1: Statement Lead (use :) Uncle Axel discusses the value of man with David: “You start asking yourself: well, what real evidence have we got about the true image?” (Wyndham 63). Example 2: Speaking Lead (use ,) David explains the purpose of the tribulation when he argues, “mankind – that was us, in civilized parts – was in the process of climbing back into grace; we were following a faint and difficult trail which led up to the peaks from which we had fallen” (Wyndham 40).

7 Quotation Leads Examples
A strong lead into the quotation ties to the criteria point and provides context of the quotation. Weak lead: This is shown in the following quotation: “quote” (vague, lacks interesting diction, no context provided) Good lead: David learns of Petra’s telepathic abilities when: “quote” (needs greater detail and specificity) Strong lead: David rescues Petra when she sends a strong telepathic signal after nearly drowning: “quote” (it is specific, provided context and can be tied to the point easily)

8 How to Integrate Quotations
Click here access a handout on 7 different quotation integration methods.

9 Homework Homework - due tomorrow!
Introduction paragraph outline complete on essay planner Quotes and citations for body paragraphs

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