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University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Economics

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1 University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Economics
ECON 130 (003): Principles of Economics (Micro) Gerard Russo Lecture #11 Tuesday, February 17, 2004

2 LECTURE 11 Revealed Preference Budget Lines

3 Consumer Theory Consumer Choice
Consumers select bundles of consumption goods given their Preferences and subject to their budget constraint. Consumer preferences over goods and services are represented by a utility function, U(x,y). Budget Constraint: PXX + PYY ≤ B.

4 A Simple Model of a Consumer Budget
2 goods Good x (i.e., soft drink) Good y (i.e., pizza) 2 Prices Price of good x, Px Price of good y, Py Fixed Income or Budget, B

5 The Consumer Budget Constraint
Total expenditures on goods x and y cannot exceed the consumer’s income (consumer’s budget). Expenditures on good x = Pxx. Expenditures on good y = Pyy. Total Expenditures = Pxx + Pyy. Total expenditures must be less than or equal to the consumer’s budget. Pxx + Pyy ≤ B.

6 The Consumer’s Budget Set
The Consumer’s budget set is the set of consumption bundles composed of goods x and y such that total expenditures are less than or equal to the consumer’s budget. Budget Set = { (x,y) | Pxx + Pyy ≤ B } .

7 The Consumer’s Budget Line
Pxx + Pyy = B Isolate y: y = B/Py – (Px/Py)x The y intercept = B/Py The slope = ∆y/ ∆ x = - (Px/Py) Isolate x: x = B/Px – (Py/Px)y The x intercept = B/Px The slope = ∆ x/ ∆ y = - (Py/Px)

8 Budget Line: y = B/Py – (Px/Py)x
Quantity of Good y Budget Line: y = B/Py – (Px/Py)x B/Py Slope = ∆ y/ ∆ x = - Px/Py B/Px Quantity of Good x

9 Budget Line: An Example
Price of good y = $2 per unit Price of good x = $1 per unit Budget = $100 $1x + $2y = $100 y = 50 – 0.5x x = 100 – 2y

10 Budget Line: y = B/Py – (Px/Py)x y = 50 – 0.5 x
Quantity of Good y Budget Line: y = B/Py – (Px/Py)x y = 50 – 0.5 x B/Py =$100/$2 =50 Slope = ∆ y/∆ x = - Px/Py = -$1/$2 B/Px = $100/$1 = 100 Quantity of Good x

11 Budget Set Budget Set ={ (x,y) | Pxx +Pyy ≤ B} B/Py B/Px
Quantity of Good y Budget Set ={ (x,y) | Pxx +Pyy ≤ B} B/Py Budget Set B/Px Quantity of Good x

12 Income Increases B/Py B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px B/Px
Quantity of Good y Income Increases B/Py B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px B/Px Quantity of Good x

13 Income Decreases B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Py B/Px B/Px
Quantity of Good y Income Decreases B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Py B/Px B/Px Quantity of Good x

14 Price of Good x Increases
Quantity of Good y Price of Good x Increases B/Py Slope = - Px/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px B/Px Quantity of Good x

15 Price of Good x Decreases
Quantity of Good y Price of Good x Decreases B/Py Slope = - Px/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px B/Px Quantity of Good x

16 Price of Good y Increases
Quantity of Good y Price of Good y Increases B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px Quantity of Good x

17 Price of Good y Decreases
Quantity of Good y Price of Good y Decreases Slope = - Px/Py B/Py B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px Quantity of Good x

18 What happens if income doubles and prices double?
Quantity of Good y What happens if income doubles and prices double? B/Py Slope = - Px/Py B/Px Quantity of Good x

19 Quantity of Good y •W •Z •R •N •A •V •L •O •M Quantity of Good x

20 •A Point A is dominated by points in this set. Point A dominates
Quantity of Good y Point A is dominated by points in this set. •A Point A dominates points in this set. Quantity of Good x

21 Assumptions about Consumers
Consumers are rational. Consumers prefer more to less. Nonsatiation Preferences (tastes) are stable. Choice vs. Preference

22 •R •Z •A •L •O Quantity of Good y
Is A preferred to Z? Or, is Z preferred to A? Is A preferred to L? Or, is L preferred to A? Is A preferred to R? Or, is R preferred to A? Is A preferred to O? Or, is O preferred to A? •R •Z •A •L •O Quantity of Good x

23 •Z •V •R •A •L •O •M Consumption Bundle A is
Quantity of Good y Consumer Choice: Year 2003 •Z •V Consumption Bundle A is Revealed Preferred to R, O, M, etc. •R •A •L •O •M Budget Line: Year 2003 Quantity of Good x

24 •A Suppose the consumer chooses consumption bundle A in the year 2003.
Quantity of Good y •A Budget Line: Year 2003 Quantity of Good x

25 •W •R •A •L Are goods x and y normal or inferior?
Is the consumer better off or worse off in 2004? Quantity of Good y Are goods x and y normal or inferior? •W Budget Line: Year 2004 •R •A •L Budget Line: Year 2003 Quantity of Good x

26 •W •A •R •L Are goods x and y normal or inferior?
Is the consumer better off or worse off in 2004? Quantity of Good y Are goods x and y normal or inferior? Budget Line: Year 2003 •W •A •R •L Budget Line: Year 2004 Quantity of Good x

27 •M •W •A •L Is the consumer better off or worse off in 2004?
Quantity of Good y •M Budget Line: Year 2004 •W •A •L Budget Line: Year 2003 Quantity of Good x

28 •L •J •A •R •W Quantity of Good y
Is the consumer better off or worse off in 2004? •L Budget Line: Year 2004 •J •A •R •W Budget Line: Year 2003 Quantity of Good x

29 •M •A •L •J Is the consumer better off or worse off in 2004?
Quantity of Good y Budget Line: Year 2004 •M •A •L •J Budget Line: Year 2003 Quantity of Good x

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