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François Guimbretière

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Presentation on theme: "François Guimbretière"— Presentation transcript:

1 François Guimbretière
Constellation: A Visualization Tool for Linguistic Queries from MindNet Tamara Munzner François Guimbretière Stanford University George Robertson Microsoft Research

2 Overview solve specific problem chosen techniques
help linguists improve MindNet algorithms chosen techniques custom semantic layout perceptual channels interaction as first-class citizen

3 Definition Graph dictionary entry sentence nodes: word senses
links: relation types

4 Semantic Network definition graphs as building blocks
unify shared words large network millions of nodes global structure known: dense probes return local info uses grammar checking, automatic translation

5 Path Query best N paths between two words words on path itself
definition graphs used in computation

6 Task: Plausibility Checking
paths ordered by computed plausibility researcher hand-checks results high-ranking paths believable? believable paths high-ranked? gross polluters (stop words)

7 Top 10 Paths: kangaroo - tail

8 Top 10 Paths: kangaroo - tail

9 Goal create unified view of relationships between paths and definition graphs shared words are key thousands of words (not millions) special-purpose algorithm debugging tool not understand the structure of English

10 Semantic Layout reflect dataset characteristics
path ordering as backbone fill in definition graphs

11 Semantic Layout “plausibility gradient”

12 Semantic Layout “plausibility gradient” horizontal position

13 Semantic Layout “plausibility gradient” horizontal position size

14 Semantic Layout edge crossings not minimized

15 Semantic Layout edge crossings not minimized
false attachment solved with interactive selective emphasis

16 Perceptual Channels redundant combinations layout gradient
synergy from multiple codings layout gradient spatial position, word size quantitative

17 Perceptual Channels highlighting: visual popout ordered saturation
brightness linewidth ordered although binary

18 Perceptual Channels highlighting: visual popout ordered saturation
brightness linewidth ordered although binary

19 Perceptual Channels hue relation types word types selective (nominal)
green: part-of red: is-a cyan: modifier word types yellow: path green: definition graph blue: leaf selective (nominal)

20 Perceptual Channels orientation relation types selective (nominal)
axis-aligned: local slanted: long distance between instances of same word selective (nominal)

21 Perceptual Channels enclosure
definition graphs associated with path word hierarchy

22 Interaction see video

23 Video zoom software vs. video

24 Semantic Layout Challenges
spatial position encodes path ordering edge crossings not minimized clutter reduction: interaction, perceptual channels tradeoffs spatial encoding vs. information density navigation: intelligent zooming global, intermediate, local

25 only 9 or 10 words at once in multiscale view from thissnapshot
final overview has about 80 - basically order of magnitude pure grid about 300


27 Semantic Layout Challenges
navigation intelligent zooming global path structure overview intermediate association of path word and definition graphs local read single definition graph



30 Color Scheme [Reynolds94]
hues maximally separated on color wheel saturation/brightness low for unobtrusive, high for emphasis maximal CRT legibility black text on colored background high payoff from following recommendations in existing literature

31 Conclusion targeted case study techniques approach broadly applicable
small user community techniques encode dataset structure spatially multiple perceptual channels interactive selective emphasis, navigation approach broadly applicable

32 Acknowledgements MSR linguists iterative design techniques discussion
Lucy Vanderwende, Bill Dolan, Mo Corston-Oliver iterative design techniques Mary Czerwinski discussion Maneesh Agrawala, Pat Hanrahan, Chris Stolte, Terry Winograd funding Microsoft Graduate Research Fellowship, Interval Research


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