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Presentation on theme: "DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Promoted by Praetorian Guard in 284 ce
Diocletian Promoted by Praetorian Guard in 284 ce In 293 ce divides the Empire into East and West Changes political structure- establishes 2 Augusti (emperors) and 2 Caesares (junior-emperors in waiting) Tries to eradicate Christianity through persecutions

3 Political Fragmentation
Divides the Empire – East and West Diocletian Promoted by Praetorian Guard in 284 CE 293 CE – Reform – divided Empire into East and West 2 Senior Emperors Augusti, assisted by junior emperors Caesares Also reformed bureaucracy, reorganized provinces, military reforms Standing armies on frontiers mobile units in provinces for rebellions Cavalry becomes as important as infantry Recruiting of Germanics and other non-Romans Serious attempt to eradicate Christianity Churches dismantled, scriptures burned, persecution, sacrifice to emperor or die – martyrs

4 Establishes new capital of Rome (Constantinople)
Constantine Establishes new capital of Rome (Constantinople) Wipes out political rivals at Milvian Bridge in 312 to become sole emperor During this battle, he says that he won because of Christ- becomes sympathetic to Christians Issues edict of Milan- toleration- frees Christians from persecution First emperor to convert to Christianity (on deathbed) Built Hagia Sophia in 360 ce

5 Christianity is official religion Banned pagan worship
Theodosius Christianity is official religion Banned pagan worship Closed pagan temples Abolished Olympic Games 393 CE Changes so much of the original civilization of Rome that it is almost a different culture

6 not enough farmers- shortage of food source Plague
Declining Population Archaeological Evidence supports the fact there was a population decline all over Europe between ce REASONS: not enough farmers- shortage of food source Plague taxation- couldn’t afford large families can’t defend themselves from barbarians Mass grave at Gloucester The “Antoine Plague”165 – 180 ce

7 Economy • tax revenues sucked up by the army
• Circus Maximus- holds people- Romans don’t want to work anymore. Just want to watch games and eat (Bread and Circus’ • No expansion so military plunder dries up and doesn’t support the Empire anymore Bread and circuses

8 Mercenary armies, military anarchy
The Roman Army Mercenary armies, military anarchy Blatantly corrupt – used for political power Discipline gone – not making camps anymore…Drinking parties, flabby Gradual decline over 900 years

9 Weak Emperors and Barbarian Generals
Honorius – emperor at age 10- beheaded because agrees to pay Visgoth King if he feeds Italian pennisula Alaric: Barbarian (Visgoth) general who sacks Rome in 410 ce when he doesn’t get paid Establishes own capital in 418 ce and changes whole Roman system 476 CE Odoacer (Visgoth)- deposes last emperor Romulus Augustulus and collapses the Empire for good

10 Barbarian Invasions Battle of Adrianople – emperor Valens (just before Theodosius) lost important battle to Sassanid Empire

11 Former Roman Empire 526 CE LIST •Ostragoths •Slavs •Visgoths
•Avars •Franks • Slavics •Angles •Saxons • Basques •Suevi •Danes • Vandals • Jutes • Britons •Lombards • Gepids • Burgundians

12 Art, Literature, Philosophy
Legacies Christianity Architecture Technology Law and Government Language Art, Literature, Philosophy Eastern Empire continues as Byzantium until 1453


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