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1 Please download this app

2 Increasing Junior Membership and Activity
Susie Moore February 2019

3 Who’s in the Room

4 Aims - Give a bit of insight into our current junior members
Look at ways we can engage with our local community to give the opportunity to try sailing, windsurfing or powerboating to its youngest members. How your club and the region as a whole can offer clear routes into our watery world but to also stay in it for a life time

5 To Get There - Belief & Why Who are Gen Z Tools Available to you
Local Opportunities Lets Shape Southampton Water Vison Look at how WE are going to get there together

6 Maintain growth in junior club
4 Maintain growth in junior club membership Belief We believe that getting children into boating in the clubs in the region is essential to the future of the clubs but also our sport. And that sailing, windsurfing and powerboating are the best way for children to build the life skills that they need.

7 Personal experience

8 A positive experience at a young age will encourage a habit to be formed and also return in later life should a break happen for some reason.

9 Gen Z - They have the longest life expectancy and the highest probability of good health – more leisure time than ever.

10 Peak at 4 so the population in the age range starting to sail/ windsurf is growing.

11 Consistently in the top three reasons for membership growth Static for the region!
15.3% 15.4%

12 Sailing is more then sailing.

13 Why are you passionate about this area?

14 Understanding your audience
In order to retain junior sailors in our clubs it is crucial we understand our younger audiences – or Generation Z as they are now known by. We could talk about Gen Z all day but I am going to try and squeeze this it into just a few slides.

15 3 - 23

16 Think back to where you were when these things happened and how old you were? A participant who is 18 will have experienced : Twin Towers 2001 Facebook 2004 Iphone 2007 Financial crises 2008 Home Olympics 2012 Leaving the EU 2016 How did your experiences growing up shape you as a person? Your social outlook/political views etc. Let the person next to you how old were you when you got your first mobile phone Data English Institute of Sport

17 Play video

18 Do You know



21 Engaging

22 Try to open up the sport by better selling what we already know you can get out of it.


24 Training tomorrow’s champions
Improve club level race training Training in Youth recognised classes. Sailors to attend regional champs 1 in every 2 years.






30 Break Out Two groups What – Vison How – These needs to be linked
Joint presentation at the end.

31 1995 – 2012/15

32 home.aspx
clubs/Pages/hub.aspx rib/Pages/hub.aspx audiences/sport-and-age/

33 Questions ??

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