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Presentation on theme: "Some POPULATION RIDDLES..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some POPULATION RIDDLES... What is the difference between 1 Million (6 zeroes) and 1 Billion (9 zeroes)?

2 If you count $1 billion for 8 hours a day ($1 = 1 second) How long will it take?? OVER 95 YEARS!

3 If you count $1 million for 8 hours a day ($1 = 1 second) How long will it take?? Only 35 Days

4 If you are a million seconds old...
How old are you? 11 1/2 days old.

5 If you are a billion seconds old...
How old are you? 31 1/2 years old. A billion is 1,000 million.

6 time for a population to double in size.
Doubling rate - time for a population to double in size. Try this.... Ask mom or dad for $.01 doubled every day for a month or give you $50. Best buy.....?

7 Day 1 - $0.01 Day 2 - $0.02 Day 3 - $0.04 Day 4 - $0.08 Day 5 - $0.16 Day 6 - $0.32 Day 7 - $0.64 Day 8 - $1.28 Day 9 – $2.56 Day 10 -$5.12

8 Day 11 - $10.24 Day 12 - $20.48 Day 13 - $40.96 Day 14 - $81.92 Day 15 - $163.84 Day 16 - $327.68 Day 17 - $655.36 Day 18 - $1,310.72 Day 19 – $2,621.44 Day 20 -$5,242.88

9 What if the month has 31 days?? $10,737,418.24 Day 21 - $10,485.76

10 The POP Quiz...

11 1. What is the approximate world population?
6.9 Billion C is the answer. We will reach 7 Billion some time in the next few weeks (0ct 31 is prediction).

12 2. By how many people does the world grow each year?
80 Million D is the answer. We add approximately the population of Germany to the world’s population every year.

13 3. If the world's populaton continues at its current rate
of growth, approximately how long will it take to double? 58 years C is the answer. At the current rate it will take between years to double in size.

14 4. All are reasons except.... increase in birth rate
A is the answer. Birth rates have actually decreased in the last 40 years.

15 5. The US population is: 311 Million
D is the answer. The US reached 300 million on 10/17/ 2007.

16 6. Highest teen pregnancy rate:
The US B is the answer. Of the countries listed – The US is highest. The US teen pregnancy rate is on the rise. This puts a burden on the economy. The US has the highest teen pregnancy rate of all industrialized nations.

17 7. The US makes up 5% of the world's population, but consumes ___%
of the world's energy? 27% C is the answer. People living in the US use more energy than any other country in the world.

18 8. The world's population in 2025...
9 Billion A is the answer. 12 Billion by If trends stay the same.

19 9. The world reached it's 1st billion about.. 1804
The answer is B. This is when the industrial revolution was taking place. Better life & more spare time = more babies.

20 10. In 12 seconds the US adds.... 1 person
The answer is E. For the world, in 10 seconds, 24 people would be born. There is 1 person born globally every 2.4 seconds. The death rate is not as high.

21 (money to other countries)
11. US foreign aid (money to other countries) 1% The answer is D. However 1% of the US budget is $17.1 Billion. Our budget is $2,052 Trillion.

22 12. The average person living in the US consumes..
5.4 X world average The answer is D. The US makes up less than 5% of the world’s people, but use up 5.4 times more energy

23 a feature movie in the US..
13. Average cost to make a feature movie in the US.. $84 Million The answer is C. This is more than some countries make in a year.

24 14. How many cars for 100 people in US? 74!
The answer is D. This is the amount of cars per every man, woman, kid, baby….it is an average. At this average for every 10 people there are almost 7 ½ cars.

25 15. People in rich countries live to...
79 years old. The answer is B. This is an average. Some live longer, some die younger. In the US….Women live to about 83. Men live to about 79.

26 16. People in poor countries live to...
52 years old. The answer is A. This is an average. Some live longer, some die younger. Causes: Malnutrition, war, disease, poor living conditions, and hard life.

27 17. In the US there is A birth every seconds and a death every seconds. Answer D 7 13

28 18. How much land does it take to sustain each person?
.17 acres The answer is D. The land would need to be arable with minerals.

29 19. Can the entire population of the world fit in to Texas?
yes! The answer is True. Every person would have approximately .03 acres to live on.

30 20. What % of the world can be productively farmed?
11% The answer is E. Pollution and population threatens this number.

31 Village of 100 1% of the world = 1 person

32 50 men 50 women Actually 40 million more men, but that only equals only .0004% of the world’s people.

33 30 under age 15 7 are 65 or older Children and older people do not typically pay taxes. These groups cost governments money for education and health care.

34 2 infants 1 near death

35 Australian / Oceania - 1 US & Canada - 8 Latin America - 5
Europe & Russia- 12 Africa - 13 Asia - 61 Australia and Oceania actually do not = 1%

36 48 live in cities (urban) 52 are rural
The urban population is growing worldwide.

37 80 live in sub-standard housing
18 live on only $1 a day 44 live on only $2 a day

38 33 Practice Christianity
67 DO NOT Islam - 21 Hinduism - 13 Buddhism - 6 Chinese Traditional Beliefs - 4 Sikhism - 1 Judaism - 1 Atheism - 3 Non - religious - 7 Other - 11

39 14 hungry or malnourished
43 no basic sanitation 14 hungry or malnourished 18 no clean water source

40 12 (over age 15) will not be able to
read or write.

41 12 will have a disability

42 1 person (15-49) will have HIV / AIDS 12 will have a computer
8 will have internet access

43 7 will graduate high school
2 will attend college

44 75 % of all the world's wealth
will belong to 20 people. In other words – for every $100 – 20 people would share $75 ($3.75 each) and the other $25 would be split up by 80 people or - $0.31 each.

45 Then you are doing better than 75% of the world.
Do you have… A refrigerator in your home? A bed to sleep in? A closet for your stuff? A roof over your head? Then you are doing better than 75% of the world.

46 $1.24 Trillion on the military
The world spends…. $1.24 Trillion on the military $100 Billion on aide and development to better lives.

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