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Bell Work What is the most challenging thing for you to draw on the human face?(Eyes, ears, lips, nose, forehead, chin, hair, etc. ) What is the easiest.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work What is the most challenging thing for you to draw on the human face?(Eyes, ears, lips, nose, forehead, chin, hair, etc. ) What is the easiest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work What is the most challenging thing for you to draw on the human face?(Eyes, ears, lips, nose, forehead, chin, hair, etc. ) What is the easiest thing for you to draw on the human face? What worries you the most when you think about drawing a self-portrait? Why is that? If you finish with extra time, try to draw these things by themselves: eyes, nose, ears, etc.

2 Art A Self-Portraits

3 Agenda Review of bell work Review of last time
Sketch the parts of the face How to draw the face and where everything goes. Exit pass

4 FYI Reminders Art Fees need to be paid $15 or $7 for fee wavier
When you pay Mrs. O’Grady in the book store you need to bring me the receipt and you can take your mask and other projects home.  If you do not pay your fee by the end of the term, it becomes a fine and your projects are re- purposed. 

5 Last Time We finished our watercolor silhouettes and turned them in with a rubric and reflection paper. If you did not turn them in last time get them to me as soon as possible. There is no more class time to work on this project so you will need to do it outside of class if you are not done.

6 Sketching practice notes
Eye Ear Nose Mouth Proportions of the human face

7 Step 1 Eye Start with a circle first this will be the size of the entire eye including the eye brow.

8 Step 2 Eye In the center of the eye make a football shape.
This is where the eyelids sit around the eye.

9 Step 3 Eye Draw a sideways C with a small circle towards the top.
Make sure it’s barley touching the bottom of the football shape.

10 Step 4 Eye Curve the lines out on the top and bottom of the eye where the eyelid would crease. Erase on the sides up top and in the middle underneath. Tip: This is where you can show age if you want the person to look younger or older add or decrease the size of the creases.

11 Step 5 Eye Add two shapes one on the pupal (the small circle in the eye) and one below to show highlights. This makes the eye look wet. Than add lines that radiate out from the pupal and radiate back from the outside edge of the eye. Tip: The darker the eye the closer the lines will be the lighter the eye the farther apart they will be.

12 Step 6 Eye Add shading the eye is a sphere so shade it from the edges in. Also the eyelid casts a shadow on the eye. Add shading around the areas of the eye that show folds

13 Step 7 Eye Eye lashes always go away from the eye.
Make curved shape to show that they are rounded. You will see a little gap for the thickness of the eyelid for the bottom lashes. Not all the same size. Tip: They are always thicker to the outside of the eye and due to perspective you see very little in the center (this also depends on the eyelashes of the person you are drawing.

14 Step 8 Eye Blacken the pupal and add a little shading for the inside of the eye to make it look more realistic.

15 Step 9 Eye Add the eye brow just above where the eye crease is.
How your eye brow looks is going to depend on the

16 Step 1 Ear Draw a C shape for the outside of the ear.
Than observe the lines on the inside. Draw these lines first.

17 Step 2 Shade the inside parts of the ear that are set back.
Observation is key because every ear looks different.

18 Step 3 Shade the back side of the ear and add black where needed.

19 Step 1 Nose Start by drawing a large circle with two small circles on each side. Add an oval above this to create the bridge of the nose Tip: Where you put the circles will determin how the nose looks.

20 Step 2 Nose Connect lines to create the curve of the nose and the nostrils.

21 Step 3 Nose Choose a light source and begin shading the sides that have the darkest shadows. Turn all lines into shading.

22 Step 4 Nose Add your blacks to the nostrils, the side of the nose etc.
Also add shading outside to link your components together.

23 Step 1 mouth Draw an almond/football shape to start. Divide in half

24 Step 2 mouth Put a v shape in the center of the football shape at the top and on the line in the middle.

25 Step 3 Mouth Determine light source and shade under, side where shadows show and from the inside of the mouth out.

26 Step 4 mouth Add lines like you did with the eye lashes to show the creases in the lips.

27 Exit pass What was the most challenging part of the face for you to draw in class today? What was the easiest part of the face to draw today and why? What was one trick you learned today about drawing a part of the face?

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