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Budget Planning: All the Moving Pieces
With Special Emphasis on the Hiring Process in Academic Affairs Faculty Forum on Shared Governance 19 February 2019
Month ITEM Principal October Budget Priorities for Next Fiscal Year VPBA, Staff, and Stakeholders December Academic Services Fees (course and other student/academic service fees) reviewed Faculty & Staff January Academic Services Fees submitted to State Regents VPAA & VPBA February Academic Services fees presented to RUSO for review and approved Gather Departmental Budget Input SE Budget Preparation President & VPBA Staff, Faculty & Other Stakeholders VPBA March State Budget Scenarios Due to State Regents, if requested VPBA & President April Tuition & Fee Hearings, if requested Finalize Departmental Budget Input President, VPBA, Student Affairs May State Tuition & Fee Hearings, if requested State Appropriations Announced (late May) VPBA June SE Budget Preparation SE Budget due to State Regents (early to mid-June) SE Budget presented and approved by RUSO (mid-June) SE Budget president and approved by State Regents (late-June) President & VPBA President July New fiscal year budget begins Staff & Faculty
FACULTY SUPPORT STAFF PROFESSIONAL STAFF ADMINISTRATORS Improve Staff Compensation Package 8.30 (1) 8.30 (2) 8.56 (1) 7.93 (1) 9.24 (1) Upgrade Technology and Related Training 7.59 (2-tie) 7.24 (4) 8.52 (2) 7.76 (2) 6.50 (5) Develop a Campus Master Plan 7.71 (3) 7.41 (4) 7.32 (4) 8.53 (2) Develop Alternative Revenue Sources 7.14 (4) 7.21 (5) 7.54 (3) 7.01 (5) 5.88 (9) Improve Faculty Compensation Package 6.85 (5) 9.17 (1) 4.61 (12) 4.80 (12) 6.31 (7) Increase Support for On Campus Students 6.54 (6) 5.78 (8) 6.59 (5) 7.62 (3) 6.88 (4) Improve Marketing/Branding Effort 6.19 (7) 6.17 (7) 6.02 (7) 6.67 (6) 4.38 (12) Expand Recruitment in Areas with High Populations 6.11 (8) 5.70 (10) 5.83 (10) 5.69 (10) Review/Update Academic Programs 5.85 (9) 5.32 (9) 6.48 (6) 6.11 (9) 6.41 (6) Increase Support for Online Students 5.73 (10) 5.10 (11) 5.85 (8) 6.32 (7) 7.31 (3) Re-design Website 5.63 (11) 5.23 (10) 5.76 (9) 6.22 (8) 5.31 (11) Expand Recruitment of Minority Students 5.13 (12) 4.79 (12) 5.66 (11) 5.05 (11) 6.25 (8) Number of Respondents 297 130 65 85 17 *Please note that boxes with the same color in different columns have the same rank across all emploment classifications.
OTHER FUNDING NEEDS OTRS (both sides) Step Increase for Faculty
Faculty/Staff Stipend Cost of Living Adjustment for Faculty/Staff Increase funds for faculty travel/professional development Adjunct Stipend Adjustment to Adjunct Pay Scale Mandatory Cost Increases Tuition Waiver for Faculty/Staff and dependents Personnel requests from other areas Non-personnel requests from other areas Longevity Compensation for Staff Salary Equity Review for Staff Other
New Faculty/Staff Lines for FY20 Replacement of Faculty/Staff Lines for FY20 Promotions/Status Changes (TFT->RFT; ADJ->TFT/RFT) for FY20 Intra-Year Changes in Faculty/Staff Compensation for FY19 Additional Operational Budget Needed for FY19 Increase in Operation Budget for FY20 New Initiatives/Facilities Improvement/Deferred Maintenance for FY20
New Faculty/Staff Lines for FY Requested = $669,611 Replacement of Faculty/Staff Lines for FY20 Requested = $115,744 Promotions/Status Changes (TFT->RFT; ADJ->TFT/RFT) for FY20 Requested = $110,154 Intra-Year Changes in Faculty/Staff Compensation for FY19 Requested = $ 70,031 Total Personnel (does not include benefits) Requested = $965,540 Additional Operational Budget Needed for FY19 Requested = $ 96,011 Increase in Operation Budget for FY Requested = $136,714 New Initiatives/Facilities Improvement/Deferred Maintenance for FY20 Requested = $654,468 Total Non-Personnel Request Requested = $887,193 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED REQUESTED = $1,852,733
Employment status (tenure, tenure-track, regular fulltime, temporary fulltime, adjunct) Rank (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor) Estimated impact on different measures of productivity SCH production (overall, within major, general education, by majors in discipline) Number of majors Number of graduates Estimated disruption to discipline/department/university Impact on student learning Estimated impact on accreditation (regional and specialty) Number of faculty in department/discipline in past and present Mode of delivery of program(s) Availability of qualified adjuncts Estimated program visibility Cost per credit hour to deliver Relevance to fulfilling the University mission Other factors
Financial Management Report June 30, 2018
17 Budget Total Object YTD 17 Budget Expenditures 16 Budget Budgets and Expenditures by Object Code Code Original Budget % as of 6/30/17 Teaching Salaries 001 $ 7,669,499.00 7,248,417.02 8,042,370.00 0.00 7,442,240.84 GA Teaching Salaries 041 14,000.00 14,700.00 GA Research Salaries 051 21,000.00 3,500.00 35,000.00 31,325.00 Endowed Teaching Salaries 061 7,500.00 15,000.00 One-Time Faculty Compensation Teaching 091 218,894.52 11,475.00 Summer Teaching 101 483,682.00 551,429.59 478,921.00 527,637.59 Adjunct Teaching Salaries 201 869,866.00 994,808.65 991,463.00 1,072,734.21 Supplemental Teaching 301 296,102.00 437,760.39 324,302.00 1,650.00 384,293.50 385,943.50 Incentive Faculty Pay 661 Faculty Grant Compensation 801 6,014.00 6,867.00 3,431.00 Faculty Terminal Leave Pay 811 5,728.29 8,542.33 Faculty Senate Award Pay 901 2,953.00 6,624.39 6,365.12 Total Teaching Salaries 9,370,616.00 9,495,529.85 101% 9,910,023.00 10,192.33 9,501,702.26 9,511,894.59 Professional Salaries 702 4,358,218.00 4,220,042.72 5,618,206.00 2,264.05 4,664,329.92 4,666,593.97 GA Professional Salaries 732 112,000.00 108,641.61 105,000.00 100,424.50 Professional Salaries Reg PT 742 48,000.00 50,322.49 One-Time Compensation-Professional 792 121,541.53 6,975.00 Professional Grant Compensation 802 77,774.73 38,813.00 69,998.67 Professional Terminal Leave 822 15,352.96 24,417.37 28,476.64 52,894.01 Support Salaries 703 3,439,148.00 3,090,157.84 2,071,325.00 1,475.37 2,616,755.95 2,618,231.32 One Time Compensation Other 793 101,369.67 11,343.00 Other Grant Compensation 803 7,940.00 7,940.04 Other Terminal Leave Pay 833 20,864.60 7,460.73 28,175.48 35,636.21 College Work Study 113 32.65 (32.65) Regular Student 213 375,906.00 604,594.88 864,008.00 30,852.51 544,228.86 575,081.37 Other Wages 313 433,543.00 319,849.52 408,687.00 15,715.72 243,610.14 259,325.86 Total Non-Teaching Salaries & Wages 8,766,815.00 8,738,452.55 100% 9,154,039.00 82,218.40 8,370,225.55 8,452,443.95
Financial Management Report January 31,2019
18 Budget Total Object YTD 19 Budget YTD 18 Budget Expenditures Budgets and Expenditures by Object Code Code Original Budget % as of 6/30/18 Teaching Salaries 001 $ 7,773,599.00 3,851,959.97 7,669,499.00 0.00 7,248,417.02 GA Teaching Salaries 041 14,000.00 7,000.00 GA Research Salaries 051 11,480.00 21,000.00 3,500.00 Endowed Teaching Salaries 061 5,814.00 7,500.00 One-Time Faculty Compensation Teaching 091 387,853.22 218,894.52 Summer Teaching 101 473,682.00 267,556.57 483,682.00 1,900.00 551,429.59 553,329.59 Adjunct Teaching Salaries 201 878,466.00 550,521.83 869,866.00 71,176.16 994,808.65 1,065,984.81 Adjunct One Time Compensation 291 10,100.00 Supplemental Teaching 301 312,602.00 249,725.83 296,102.00 62,790.79 437,760.39 500,551.18 Incentive Faculty Pay 661 Faculty Grant Compensation 801 6,014.00 11,336.00 6,867.00 Faculty Terminal Leave Pay 811 5,728.29 Faculty Senate Award Pay 901 2,953.00 4,789.58 6,624.39 Total Teaching Salaries 9,475,316.00 5,358,137.00 57% 9,370,616.00 135,866.95 9,495,529.85 9,631,396.80 Professional Salaries 702 4,771,717.00 2,640,310.14 4,358,218.00 4,220,042.72 GA Professional Salaries 732 126,000.00 53,200.00 112,000.00 108,641.61 Professional Salaries Reg PT 742 48,000.00 37,800.00 50,322.49 One-Time Compensation-Professional 792 141,888.50 121,541.53 Professional Grant Compensation 802 39,412.43 2,539.10 77,774.73 80,313.83 Professional Terminal Leave 822 6,060.08 7,617.28 15,352.96 22,970.24 Other One Time Compensation 393 1,700.00 Support Salaries 703 3,548,405.00 1,945,025.27 3,439,148.00 3,090,157.84 One Time Compensation Other 793 106,337.89 101,369.67 Other Grant Compensation 803 4,631.65 7,940.00 Other Terminal Leave Pay 833 3,760.74 20,864.60 College Work Study 113 Regular Student 213 809,702.00 366,164.82 375,906.00 23,199.07 604,594.88 627,793.95 Other Wages 313 412,220.00 140,382.23 433,543.00 26,115.27 319,849.52 345,964.79 Total Non-Teaching Salaries & Wages 9,716,044.00 5,486,673.75 56% 8,766,815.00 59,470.72 8,738,452.55 8,797,923.27
DEPT MATH Sum of CREDITHOURS Column Labels Row Labels 1314 1415 1516
1617 1718 Grand Total ACKERSON M 594 762 807 750 657 3570 ELLETT D 114 21 135 ELLIOTT B 355 306 261 363 252 1537 FABER N 30 45 75 FAULK K 603 FRINKLE K 327 350 445 493 553 2168 HEITZ L 402 309 51 42 1167 HUGHES H 507 390 267 225 99 1488 KALLAM L 87 36 3 6 MATTHEWS C 405 404 483 670 2289 MORETTI C 270 244 434 321 1575 PIERCE N 396 423 441 186 159 1605 QIAN L 39 63 102 REARDON P 362 314 378 249 1564 TONUBBEE R 525 930 WADE J 216 WALLACE M 33 WOMACK M 4269 4236 3740 3699 3668 19612 Row Labels Sum of SCH ADJUNCT 987 ACKERSON M 453 MATH /1S 102 MATH /1S 111 MATH /1S 114 MATH Z1 18/1S 75 MATH /1S 51 FAULK K 348 MATH /1S 108 MATH W1 18/1S 63 MATH Z2 18/1S 72 MATH /1S 69 MATH /1S 36 HEITZ L MATH /1S HUGHES H 84 MATH W1 18/1S MATH W1 18/1S 33 PIERCE N 66 MATH /1S 21 MATH /1S 18 MATH G1 18/1S 15 MATH /1S 12 FULLTIME 1175 ELLIOTT B 123 STAT /1S 96 STAT /1S 27 FRINKLE K 237 MATH /1S 60 MATH W2 18/1S MATH /1S MATH /1S 39 MATH /1S MATH /1S 3 MATH /1S MATTHEWS C 399 MATH /1S 105 MATH /1S MATH W1 18/1S MATH W2 18/1S MATH W1 18/1S 48 MATH /1S MORETTI C MATH /1S MATH /1S MATH /1S 54 MATH /1S REARDON P 179 MATH /1S 110 MATH /1S MATH /1S Grand Total 2162 Row Labels Sum of SCH ADJUNCT 525 ACKERSON M 180 MATH /2S 69 MATH /2S 18 MATH Z1 18/2S MATH /2S 24 FAULK K MATH /2S 36 MATH W1 18/2S MATH /2S 6 MATH /2S 102 HEITZ L 27 MATH /2S HUGHES H 60 MATH W1 18/2S 21 MATH W1 18/2S 39 PIERCE N 78 MATH /2S 33 MATH /2S MATH /2S FULLTIME 489 ELLIOTT B 84 MATH /2S 51 STAT /2S FRINKLE K 90 MATH W2 18/2S 15 MATH /2S 48 MATH /2S MATH /2S 12 MATTHEWS C 159 MATH W1 18/2S 30 MATH W2 18/2S MATH W1 18/2S MATH W1 18/2S 45 MATH /2S MORETTI C 73 MATH /2S 55 MATH /2S MATH /2S REARDON P 83 MATH /2S MATH /2S MATH /2S 25 MATH /2S 10 Grand Total 1014 REARDON P 362 314 378 249 261 1564 MATH1303 51 21 81 204 MATH1513 150 99 198 498 MATH1613 63 30 12 42 54 201 MATH2143 27 45 114 MATH2215 35 60 75 65 235 MATH2315 105 MATH3213 48 MATH3283 33 18 MATH4113 9 15 69 MATH4963 3 MATH4982 10 26 36
Majors, Second Majors, Minors, and Degrees Conferred (Fall 2013-2018)
MAJORS SECOND MAJORS MINORS UG Programs Fall 13 Fall 14 Fall 15 Fall 16 Fall 17 Mathematics 13 19 15 20 6 2 3 4 5 1 Mathematics Education 22 17 23 DEGREES CONFERRED MAJORS CONFERRED SECOND MAJORS CONFERRED MINORS CONFERRED UG Programs AY1314 AY1415 AY1516 AY1617 AY1718 Mathematics 3 4 2 Mathematics Education 1
Additional Degrees/Certificates Earned
5-Year Summary (AY0809 – AY1213) of Additional Degrees/Certificates Earned Additional Degrees/Certificates Earned SE Major SE Degrees Conferred Cert Assoc Bach Mast Doct Unknown Total Add'l Degrees % Completed Certificate % Completed Associates % Completed Bachelors % Completed Masters % Completed Doctorate % Completed Unknown Deg % Completed Add'l Degree or Certificate 28 14 2 1 3 0.0% 14.3% 7.1% 21.4% 29 12 16.7%
New Faculty/Staff Lines for FY20 1 Associate Vice President for Accreditation and Assessment 3 New Tenure-Track Lines (1 in Behavioral Sciences; 2 in Business) 2 Academic Advisors for Graduate Programs (1 for Counseling and 1 for MEd) 1 Director of Aviation Sciences Institute Replacement of Faculty/Staff Lines for FY20 10 Faculty Replacements 4 Staff Positions Promotions/Status Changes 10 Faculty Promotions 3 Staff Promotions 3 Adjuncts to TFT 3 TFT to RFT Intra-Year Changes in Faculty/Staff Compensation for FY19 2 Faculty 8 Staff
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