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Spellodrome Willow Class Newsletter 27th March 2018

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1 Spellodrome Willow Class Newsletter 27th March 2018
Mathletics homework has been set this week, lets see how many more of the class can get their BRONZE and SILVER awards. Times Tables will be a mixture of all tables. Don’t forget we are also going to be having daily times tables test so remember, practice, practice, practice. Willow Class Newsletter 27th March 2018 Diary Dates LETTER JOIN User name: strikelane_4 Account password: willow For you homework for this week, I would like you to write a setting description as if you are looking out for the first time from the opening of your tent. You need to include; Fronted adverbial phrases Super sentence openers What you can see (setting description with wonderful adjectives) 7th May- Bank holiday w/b 14th May- Year 6 SATS week 17th May- Disco (6:30pm-8:00pm) Setting description Comprehension Challenge Please read though the attached comprehension paper and complete the questions attached. Don’t forget, when the question asks you to explain as fully as you can, a one word answer won’t be enough. Try and answer as fully as you can. Using Point and Evidence. Groovy Grammar Challenge Can you rewrite this passage consistently in the correct tense. The castle was surrounded, there is ivy crawling up the stone walls and creeping around the window frames. As the dark night fell upon the castle, the owls, that hooted at each chime of the clock, circle around the towering turrets. For the last few centuries, people are too scared to go near the castle… Spellodrome Please log in to Spellodrome to complete your weekly tasks.

2 Grammar task Short writing opportunity Handwriting task

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