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David M. Lisa Project Specialist New Jersey State Library

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Presentation on theme: "David M. Lisa Project Specialist New Jersey State Library"— Presentation transcript:

1 David M. Lisa Project Specialist New Jersey State Library
Creating Tutorials with Screencasting David M. Lisa Project Specialist New Jersey State Library

2 Screencasting

3 “The Cloud”

4 Tutorial Using Screencasting:
Top 5 Reasons to Create a Tutorial Using Screencasting: 5. No software to install. 4. It’s easily shareable. 3. No flash drives! Your screencast is stored in the cloud. 2. Accessible from anywhere you have an Internet connection. 1. It’s fun and easy!

5 By the end of this session you will be able to…
1. Create a tutorial using screencasting. 2. Store it in the cloud. 3. Share it with others.

6 An Example


8 What You Will Need to Create a Tutorial Using Screencasting




12 Screenjelly Screen Toaster Screenr Capture Fox

13 Screenjelly

14 Screen Toaster

15 Screenr

16 Capture Fox

17 A Comparison of Screencasting Software


19 Questions? Comments?

20 Thanks! David Lisa, Consultant, New Jersey State Library

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