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English 101 October 3, 2008.

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1 English 101 October 3, 2008

2 Today Library Basics- In General Research Basics- Project Specific
Website and Services Resources In-house Electronic Building Research Basics- Project Specific Essay #2 Why you might/might not want to use library sources Essay #3 How to start Recommended Resources

3 Holy Spirit Library Basics

4 Library Basics Research Tools
Cavalog WorldCat Databases Teaching and Learning eReserves Style Guides Research Wiki Services About IM

5 Cavalog Research Tools Teaching and Learning
WorldCat Databases Teaching and Learning eReserves Style Guides Research Wiki Services About IM

6 WorldCat A catalog system of many member libraries around the world
Offers a comprehensive look at what exists Inter Library Loan Find the item you are looking for Click into the detailed record Look for “Borrow this item from another library” Any Questions or concerns ILL Contact for Holy Spirit Library is Sheri Becht or

7 Electronic Databases and Journals
Databases Link List of databases Links to smaller lists by subject Multipurpose Academic Search Premier Project MUSE News articles Lexis Nexis New York Times Access World News Reference Oxford English Dictionary Biography Resource Center Encyclopaedia Britannica

8 Searching Databases and Journals
Browsing specific articles Open Database from the databases link Type keywords into the box Be mindful of alternative ways to say the same thing Choose Limiters Full Text Peer-Reviewed Dates Browsing specific journals Open the Journals link Search general term Find Journal of interest Click database that carries it’s holdings

9 Appropriate Sources Mostly Maybe Probably Not
Books in the Holy Spirit Library Books from other Libraries Academic Journal Articles Maybe Newspaper Articles (New York Times and Washington Post) Review Articles Relevant, Trustworthy, Evaluated Websites Probably Not Just any results that come up when you search Google Wikipedia Any Open Internet Sources

10 Evaluating Sources For Appropriateness Citations
Within the parameters of the assignment Scholarly Supporting of your thesis Citations Do you have all the information that you need? Can you get it? Style Guides

11 Essay #2 Expository Essay

12 Deciding whether to use Library Sources when they are not required
Consider your thesis statement Consider the information you already have available to you Your Own Ideas Class Material Is there a concept that you would like to substantiate with further information? Is the payoff for using outside information worth the research it takes to find it?

13 Using Class Materials as Sources
ANY sources you use to develop academic work must be properly cited Style Guides

14 Essay #3 Argumentative Essay

15 Develop Thesis Statement
What you want A clear, concise idea that can be adequately addresses in the page range allotted to you A statement that will give any person reading it an idea of what the whole essay will be about What you do not want An idea so broad that when you search for supporting material you have to wade through thousands of articles and/or books. An idea that is so obscure that there are few or no scholarly sources available to support it

16 How to Start Develop Thesis statement
Develop Key concepts that will support your claim You may need to do preliminary research here Keep in mind how long you have to explain each one These are the points on which you will want to do further research Choose appropriate sources Consider the length and depth you are seeking Consider the availability of that information

17 Recommended Sources Academic Search Premier
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Related Subject Based Databases Science- PROQuest Biology Journals Health- Health Source Education- Education Research Complete

18 Finishing up your Research
Make sure that you have found appropriate sources They are scholarly They definitely support the concepts that you are presenting You have or are able to obtain the citation information Any concept you use to develop your idea, paraphrase, or quote NEEDS to be cited properly Citation Tools in Microsoft Word 2007

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