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AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 14

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1 AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 14
Aeroelastic tailoring Purdue Aeroelasticity

2 Aeroelastic tailoring benefits
Purdue Aeroelasticity

3 Apparatus-stiffness tailoring model
view B-B (looking upstream, chordwise) Purdue Aeroelasticity

4 Stiffness tailoring model
Purdue Aeroelasticity

5 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Flexural axis Definition - a line (locus of points) along which the wing structure stream-wise angle of attack is zero when a discrete load is applied there – with the “wind” off. L b yo xo Purdue Aeroelasticity

6 Structural angular displacements due to upward load P at –xo,yo
Solve for the flexural axis coordinates by setting the chordwise elastic angle of attack to zero Purdue Aeroelasticity

7 Flexural axis with cross-coupling stiffnesses
Purdue Aeroelasticity

8 Plug expressions for stiffness terms to get the flexural axis position
Purdue Aeroelasticity

9 Purdue Aeroelasticity
example Wash-out laminate Increase divergence Wash-in laminate Increase lift forward b When wing is sweptforward increase divergence speed by moving the b axis forward (plus) aft/back aft/back g forward Purdue Aeroelasticity

10 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Divergence Get rid of divergence Purdue Aeroelasticity

11 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Example (page 171) Wash-out laminate Increase divergence Wash-in laminate Increase lift Wash-out laminate Increase divergence Wash-in laminate Increase lift g Purdue Aeroelasticity

12 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Critical wing sweep angle vs. structural angle g Wings with sweep angles above the curves shown will not diverge. Purdue Aeroelasticity

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