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Project Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management

2 Project Management Refers to the sharing of documents and management of tasks. Assists with Collaboration.

3 Some Tools Gantt Charts PERT Charts Project Logs

4 Gantt Chart

5 Considerations Personnel/resources Procedures Schedule Costs

6 Strategies Divide and conquer (good for early stages and large projects with tight deadlines) Shared (excellent for looking at drafts, shorter documents, and more flexible deadlines) Most teams will use a combination

7 Tips for Planning & Drafting
Assign discreet tasks early on. Share drafts between readers before compiling the final draft. Give the file a descriptive name Agree on a naming convention. Use dates (e.g. 2_15), initials (jr), and version numbers (v2) in file names as you share them electronically. Put at top of document the version number and author(s)

8 Revision Refer to similar documents
See if the document fits the purpose. Look carefully at language to see if it is appropriate for the audience. See if there is enough evidence to back each claim. Need more research? Be certain that all the necessary info is present.

9 Document Sharing Groups in blackboard
(remember to use descriptive file names and subject lines)

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