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Presentation on theme: "PRIMARY SECTOR."— Presentation transcript:


2 Farming Farming is the growing of crops and the rearing of animals

3 Physical factors: climate
Temperature: crops need a minimum of 6°C to grow. Rainfall: crops need between 250 mm and 500 mm a year.

4 Physical factors: relief
Flat land is easier to grow crops on, there is less soil erosion and machinery can be used safely. Some places are too high to grow crops because they are too cold. Temperature decreases 6°C each 1000 m.

5 Physical factors: soil
Soil needs to be fertile, deep and well drained.

6 Social and economic factors: labour
Farming requires either Human labour (low yields) or Mechanisation (high yields)

7 Social and economic factors: market
Farmers grow crops that are in demand and change to meet new demands. Markets are now global.

8 Social and economic factors: governments
Quotas are limits on the amount of some produce set by the governments. Subsidies are money paid by the government to encourage some types of produce.

9 Classification of agriculture
Pastoral Arable Mixed

10 Classification of agriculture
Intensive: high yields from a small area of land Extensive: low yields from a large area of land.

11 Classification of agriculture
Pastoral farming can also be intensive or extensive

12 Classification of agriculture
Commercial: farming to make profit from sales of food. Subsistence: it produces food for the farmer’s family

13 Fishing Fishing is the activity of hunting for fish or other aquatic animals such as various types of shellfish.

14 Types of fishing Deep sea fishing Shallow water fishing

15 Commercial fishing Commercial fishing methods have become very efficient using large nets and sea-going processing factories.

16 Commercial fishing The development of refrigeration and freezing technologies transformed the commercial fishing industry: fishing vessels could be larger, spending more time away from port and therefore accessing fish stocks at a much greater distance..

17 Problems on fishing Pollution Overfishing

18 Main solutions for overfishing
Creating exclusive economic zones (EEZ), an area extending 200 nautical miles seaward from the coast in which a country has sovereign rights to explore and explote marine resources. Restrictions or quotas. International treaties limit the fishing effort. Aquaculture

19 Aquaculture Aquaculture is the cultivation of the natural produce of water (such us fish or shellfish). Fish farming is a common kind of aquaculture.

20 Shellfish fishing A very important activity is also shellfish fishing. It can be on-boat or on-foot.

21 Semi-farming on-foot shellfish fishing
On-foot shellfing fishing is made above all by women. A way to improve production is semi-farming.

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