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Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

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1 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Opportunities & Partnerships Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

2 Prime Minister of India 1964-1966 Lester B. Pearson
The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is the only bi-national organization that has been promoting understanding between India and Canada through academic activities and exchanges Our broad-based initiatives support the creation of bi-national links between academia, government, the business community and civil society organizations. Our programs provide opportunities for individuals to gain first-hand experience in India or Canada. Over the Institute’s 50 year history, we have awarded grants worth tens of millions of dollars to faculties and students for mobility and research as well as presented dozens of seminars. Most importantly, our activity has created hundreds of SICI alumni who are the unofficial ambassadors of Canada in India and vice-versa. Lal Bahadur Shastri Prime Minister of India Lester B. Pearson Prime Minister of Canada Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Girish Shah,

3 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
SICI’s Mission ... build and strengthen intellectual and cultural linkages between Canada and India through facilitating high class research, dialogue, exchange and dissemination. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Girish Shah,

4 SICI Strengths Four Broadly-Defined Roles:
KnOWLEDGE MOBILISATION Knowledge Mobilization and Capacity Building pARTNERSHIP Institutional Partnership Building mobility Student & Faculty Development and Mobility Engaging both countries Engaging Canada in India & Engaging India in Canada Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

5 Historical Evolution:
1968 – Three members (UBC, U of T, McGill) 1970 – Indian Studies Program 1991 – Canadian Studies Program – CIDA Relationship 2005 – Fully Bi-National Organization – Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Expansion – Current India-Canada MoU Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

6 India-Canada Joint Statement during State Visit of Prime Minister of Canada to India (February 23, 2018): Partnership for Security and Growth “Noting the significant increase in number of Indian students in Canada, the leaders expressed satisfaction at the renewal of the MOU on higher education. They recognized the 50th Anniversary of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute in promoting understanding between India and Canada through academic activities and exchanges, with the support of both governments to the institute. The leaders also agreed on the benefits of supporting the arts, sports and cultural activities in each other’s country, and agreed to encourage collaboration between academia and think tanks“ Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

7 At Present: Member Institutions in Canada and India
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Girish Shah,

8 Windows of Activity: Window One: Student Mobility
Window Two: Faculty Mobility Window Three: Collaborative Research Window Four: Application of Knowledge (Plus: Promotion and Facilitation Activities) Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Girish Shah,

9 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Specific Programs (Fall 2018): Window One: Student Mobility Shastri Student Internship Project (SSIP) Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) Window Two: Faculty Mobility Shastri Mobility Program (SMP) Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) Shastri Program Development Grant (SPDG) Window Three: Collaborative Research Shastri Institutional Collaborative Research Grant (SICRG) Window Four: Application of Knowledge Shastri Publication Grant (SPG) [Other Programs: Shastri Membership Development Fund (SMDF); Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN)] Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Girish Shah,

10 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Program Details (1) Shastri Student Internship Project (SSIP) is designed to provide three-month internships for both undergraduate and Master’s-level students. SSIP will provide participating students with opportunities for a transformative cultural and educational experience in a foreign country. The SSIP training and exposure in international setting will benefit advancing students’ knowledge, adequacy, adaptability, multicultural understanding, networking and friendships at professional and personal levels. Preference for students taking formal programming at the host institution. Duration: 3 months Internship package can cover all travel and living expenses, as budgeted, up to a maximum of 4500 CAD per project. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

11 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Program Details (2) Shastri Research Student Fellowship (SRSF) is designed to provide an opportunity for Doctoral students post-Doctoral scholars and students at undergraduate, Postgraduate & M.Phil level to undertake research in areas/ fields in which Indian/Canadian scholars may desire/require research experience in Canada/India. This fellowship is for: 1. Shastri Research Student Fellowship for Students and Post-Doctoral Applicants Duration: 3-6 months, depending on level Fellowship package ( CAD per week, depending on level) Living allowances, Economy class airfare from the place of origin to the place of affiliation from the most direct route airfare, Visa processing fee, and Travel insurance. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

12 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Program Details (3) Shastri Mobility Programme (SMP) is to provide an opportunity for faculty members/ educational administrators from India/Canada to study and learn best practices through exposure to Canadian/Indian Institutions. The Mobility Programme has two components i.e. Senior academicians Educational administrators Duration: This Programme will be for 3 weeks. Fellowship package (750 CAD per week) Living allowances, Economy class airfare from the place of origin to the place of affiliation from the most direct route, Visa processing fee, and Travel insurance. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

13 Program Details (4) Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG)
SSTSG assists faculty members including graduate and post graduate students with travel subsidies to participate in conferences, workshops, seminars and academic meetings in India or Canada with a view to establishing institutional and scholarly linkages. The objectives of SSTSG projects are to promote the mobility of scholars between India and Canada, to initiate or strengthen Canada-India knowledge exchange and partnerships, which support education cooperation between the two countries. Value: The Shastri Institute will provide up to CAD$1,000 to support the scholar’s international air fare (economy class). Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

14 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Program Details (5) Shastri Programme Development Grant (SPDG) is devised in order to encourage scholarly and professional academic activities with a view to contributing to the expansion of knowledge about India or Canada at Indian/Canadian universities that are members of the Shastri Institute. Can be applied to conferences, lecture series, etc. Value: Up to 2,50,000 INR (CAD 4500) Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

15 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Program Details (6) Shastri Institutional Collaborative Research Grant (SICRG) is to support and encourage Institutional collaboration in R&D for a period of two years between Indian and Canadian Institutions in the areas in which Institutions from SICI’s Indian and Canadian member council can gain and develop. Value of Award: Up to INR 10,00,000 (CAD 18,000) Duration: The period of collaborative research projects will be 2 years. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

16 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Program Details (7) Shastri Publication Grant (SPG) Shastri Indo Canadian Institute India office is pleased to announce Shastri Publication Grant (SPG) for its Indian Members Council (IMC) and Canadian Member Institutions The purpose of this grant is to encourage scholarly publication. Publications may include books, working papers, policy papers, or other public materials. This is a competitive Grant designed to assist the publication on topics relevant to the themes where Shastri Institute promotes research via various activities. Value can range up to approximately 1800 CAD. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

17 Program Details (8) SICI Membership Development Fund (SMDF)
SMDF grants (amounts up to CAD $500) are being offered to all SICI’s Canadian Members Council Institutions in with the sole purpose of widely publicizing different SICI activities and programs offered by both SICI’s India and Canada offices within their institutions. Value: A Canadian member institution can receive up to $500 CAD. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

18 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
GIAN   Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN) in Higher Education is devised to tap the talent pool of scientists and entrepreneurs internationally to encourage their engagement with the institutes of Higher Education in India so as to augment the country’s existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reform, and elevate India’s scientific and technological capacity to global excellence. GIAN is envisaged with following Objectives: To increase the footfalls of reputed international faculty in the Indian academic institutes. Also to increase participation and presence of international students in the academic Institutes. Provide opportunity to our faculty to learn and share knowledge and teaching skills in cutting edge areas and to provide opportunity to our students to seek knowledge and experience from reputed International faculty. To create avenue for possible collaborative research with the international faculty and motivate the best international experts in the world to work on problems related to India. Develop high quality course material in niche areas, both through video and print that can be used by a larger body of students and teachers. To document and develop new pedagogic methods in emerging topics of national and international interest. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

19 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Broad Area of Interest Accepted under GIAN: Physical Sciences, Chemical, Bio-Chemical & Material Sciences, Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Electronics, Electrical, Information & Communication Technology , Mechanical Sciences & Infrastructure, Earth & Environment Sciences , Management, Social Sciences, Humanities & Liberal Arts, Architecture, Design, Planning and Heritage, Law and other Interdisciplinary categories. Duration and Finances: A lump-sum amount of up to US$ 8,000 for 12 to 14 hours of contact and up to US$ 12,000 for 20 to 28 hours of contact is paid to the foreign experts covering their travel and honorarium. Local hospitality will be arranged by the Host Institution. The duration (number of weeks/days) can be mutually decided by the host institution and the visiting faculty. It is expected that summer and winter vacations will be well utilized for such activities to enable wider participation from other places. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

20 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Thank you Reshma Rana Verma In charge- Programmes & Library 5 Bhai Vir Singh Marg, New Delhi India Join Us Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

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