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Midterm Essay Topics Presidential Decisions Supreme Court Cases.

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1 Midterm Essay Topics Presidential Decisions Supreme Court Cases

2 George Washington Whiskey Rebellion
Political Parties Farewell address:Neutrality Precedents: 2 terms, cabinet Government will enforce federal laws 2 terms until 1940 FDR Cabinet: “unwritten constitution”

3 Thomas Jefferson Louisiana Purchase – doubled size of US, cost $15 million Gained Mississippi River Lewis and Clark expedition Believed in strict interpretation Need “loose” interpretation Manifest Destiny

4 James Madison War of 1812 – 2nd war of independence
Causes: impressments, British giving weapons to Indians, War Hawks calling for takeover of Canada Treaty of Ghent: ends war No land acquisitions Increase in nationalism War hero to become president – Jackson National anthem

5 James Monroe Monroe Doctrine: no colonization in Western Hemisphere
If attempted will be seen as act of war US will stay out of European affairs When Doctrine was issued, US lacked military might to enforce – Britain supported US End of the 1800s – US able to enforce.

6 Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act Pet Banks Spoils system
Kitchen Cabinet Cherokee v. Georgia (John Marshall) Trail of Tears Common Man’s President Use of veto

7 Abraham Lincoln 1858- Lincoln-Douglas Debates.
Election of South secedes. Goal- Preserve the union. Emancipation Proclamation. Reconstruction Plan- 10% Plan. “With malice towards none.”

8 Schenck v. US 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech –distribute pamphlets to avoid the draft Decision: Speech restricted during wartime. Impact: “Clear and Present Danger.”

9 Engel v. Vitale 1st Amendment – Freedom of religion. State regents prayer. Decision: Public schools cannot encourage prayer. Impact: Separation of church and state.

10 Vernonia v. Acton 4th Amendment – search and seizure – mandatory drug testing of athletes Decision: Legalized drug testing in schools Impact: testing athletes randomly for drug use is not an illegal search.

11 N.J. v. TLO 4th Amendment – search and seizure. Search of pocketbook looking for cigarettes – found drug paraphernalia Decision: School is a different environment – it is a legal search. Impact : Police need probable cause – school officials need reasonable suspicion.

12 Bethel v. Fraser 1st Amendment – speech. Inappropriate speech nominating a friend for student council. Decision: Freedom of speech restricted in public school. Impact: Cannot use speech that is inappropriate, profane or could cause harm to others.

13 Plessy v. Ferguson 14th Amendment – equal protection under the law.
Louisiana – he wants to ride in a white railroad car Decision: legalized separation. Impact : allowed for Jim Crow laws and segregation of all public facilities. Overturned by Brown v. Board of Ed. 1954

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