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EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis

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1 EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Course Overview EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis 6 ECTS (EAP) Lecturer: Olga Dunajeva – lectures, practices room 43 Study Materials → Moodle EVM0040 Mõõtmistulemuste töötlemine ja analüüs Course Enrolment Key: RAM0040

2 ECTS credits, assessment form 6 ECTS, Graded assessment
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Course Syllabus COURSE SYLLABUS Group Semester Weekly hours Lectures Practices Midterm exam ECTS credits, assessment form RAKM11 Autumn 4 1 2 6 ECTS, Graded assessment Course aims: to acquire knowledge and to form skills for chemical measurments planning and execution, the results of measurment reliability providing statistical methods and corresponding software applying in processing and analysing the results of measurment.

3 Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Course Outcomes Learning outcomes Student knows the basic concepts of metrology, is able to plan and arrange measurement providing reliability of the results of measurement, on the basis of measurement data can evaluate the result of measurement and its uncertainty, knows measuring instruments metrological control methods, can decide on proper methods of data analysis, can interpret and present the results of the data analysis methods applied, can use at least one software of data processing and analysis.

4 Course Content / Calendar
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Course Content / Calendar Course Content / Calendar Week Topics Assignments 1. Descriptive Statistics. Exploratory Data Analysis. An Introduction to R. Assignment 1 2. Overveiw of Probability and Distributions. Assignment 2 3. Hypotheses setting and controlling(t and F tests, ANOVA). Assignment 3 4. Correlation and Regression Analysis. Assignment 4 5. Least Squares methods. Assignment 5 6. Cluster Analysis. Discriminant Analysis. Correspondence Analysis. Principal Component Analysis. Assignment 6 7. Design of experiments. Assignment 7 8. Mid-term exam 1

5 Course Content / Calendar
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Course Content / Calendar Course Content / Calendar Week Topics Assignments 9. The main principles of measurments and uncertainty of measurment. Assignment 8 10. Introduction to quantifying measurement uncertainty. Assignment 9 11. The main principles of measurement uncertainty estimation. Assignment 10 12. Interrelation between the concepts of precision, trueness, accuracy and measurement uncertainty. Assignment 11 13. Overview of the approaches for estimating measurement uncertainty. ISO GUM and Nordtest methods. Assignment 12 14. Traceability. Validation and quality control. Assignment 13 15. Measuring instruments. Calibration of measuring instruments. Assignment 14 16. Mid-term exam 2

6 1 ECTS = 26 hrs incl contact hrs + individual work
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Assignments 1 ECTS = 26 hrs incl contact hrs + individual work 6*26 = 156 hrs workload = 64 contact hrs + 92 hrs of individual work Individual work: ~ 6 hours per week Assingments Summary: Mid-term exam 1 Mid-term exam 2 in-class/homework assignments + bonuses if submitted by due date: 1 homework = max 1 boonus point Final eksam Final Grade = max(0,5*exam ,5*exam 1; Final eksam) + + boonuspunktid

7 Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Assessment Criteria Grading Requirements Minimum 70% of assignments completed! Assessment Criteria All executed works are assessed by 100 points scale: Grade „1“ „sufficient“ [ ) punkti Grade „2“ „satisfactory“ [ ) punkti Grade „3“ „good“ [ ) punkti Grade „4“ „very good“ [ ) punkti Grade „5 “ „excellent“ [ ] punkti

8 Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Course Policies Plagiarism and Cheating In case of suspicion be ready to clarify issues. If you have cheated or copied your coursemate's work, then you will get 0 points for assignment. If you feel that you have been unfairly treated then you can contact Study Director. Exam Retakes Students who want to re-attempt the course exam can just register to consultation for an exam retake; In the event a students do not pass the course exam on their third attempt, they must retake the course. Consultation hours Wednesday – room 44 or 27 every week Pre-registration is necessary by to

9 Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis
Olga Dunajeva EVM0040 Measurement Data Processing and Analysis Study Materials Study Materials All course materials are available in Moodle Study Literature:  Laaneots, R., Mathiesen, O. An Introduction to Metrology. Tallinn, TUT Press, 2006 Laaneots, R., Mathiesen, O. Mõõtmise alused. Tallinn, TTÜ kirjastus, 2002 Kirkup, L., Frenkel, B. "An introduction to uncertainty in measurement". Cambridge University Press, 2006 Montgomery D.C., G.C.Runger. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (4th edn). Wiley, 2006. M. Kaljurand, Kemomeetria, TTÜ kirjastus, Tallinn 2008

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