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Outstanding Wise Learner Celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week

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1 Outstanding Wise Learner Celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week
January 28, 2013 2nd Grade O.W.L Outstanding Wise Learning Classroom News O.W.L. of the week Outstanding Wise Learner Naomy Palma Memory Verse Baptism now saves you. 1 Peter 3:21 Celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week “Baptized for this Moment” Acts: 2:38-39 Follow our class on & Math: We have started Unit 8- Adding Two Digit Numbers. Language Arts: We are continuing to focus on reading comprehension skills. Spelling: This week we will continue to focus on the most commonly misspelled words. You can find the new weekly assignments on our website at Social Studies: This week we will start Unit 4- Our Nations Story. Religion: This week we are celebrating NLSW so our memory verse and daily devotions will go along with the theme of Baptism. 1/28 Kicks off National Lutheran Schools Week 1/30 Captive Free will lead Chapel Service 2/1 Free concert with the band IHOP 7pm 2/3 NLSW closing Chapel at 10:45am, this is a mandatory attendance event. *Remember to send in your early registration by 2/15 *Order your yearbook by February 15th for $32.50. It is a great way to capture a years worth of memories.

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