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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism

2 Founding Also began in India Founded by Siddhartha Gautama
Born c. 563 BC to a wealthy prince Lived his entire life in the palace He didn't go outside until he was 29 years old!! Amazed and shocked at the suffering Vowed to find the reasons behind human suffering

3 Becoming Buddha Siddhartha left everything behind in order to search for the truth Six years later... He has a revelation = becomes the Buddha Spent the rest of his life teaching how to find enlightenment

4 Teachings Borrowed some Hindu teachings, but not all
No Hindu gods Actions matter Anyone of any caste could reach Nirvana Said the Vedas were not sacred Salvation came from knowing the “Four Noble Truths” and by following the “Eightfold Path” Taught ethics more than ceremonies Importance of selflessness

5 Four Noble Truths All human life involves suffering
The desire for a life of pleasure and material gain causes suffering Renouncing desire frees people from suffering and helps their souls attain Nirvana The Eightfold Path leads to the denial of desire and the attainment of Nirvana

6 Eightfold Path

7 Spread of Buddhism Buddha gained a few followers in his lifetime
Weakened in India → spread elsewhere Split into TWO groups...

8 Divide Theravada Mahayana Traditional beliefs Buddha
Great teacher Spiritual leader Mahayana Elaborate ceremonies Buddha God and savior

9 Quickwrite Directions: Think of a problem you are now having or recently had. This could be any problem. Reflect on this for a moment and then write out how you are suffering and what is the cause of your suffering. Then write out that you understand there is a way to end the suffering (third noble truth). Finally write about which of the eightfold path you might work on in your life to help end your suffering.

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