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Planned PEPFAR TX_PVLS changes in FY19

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Presentation on theme: "Planned PEPFAR TX_PVLS changes in FY19"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planned PEPFAR TX_PVLS changes in FY19

2 TX_PVLS Preferred data source: Clinical data sources (e.g. electronic or paper patient-level records) Acceptable data source: LIS Only VL tests with recorded results and VL results that are linked back to patients should be included in the numerator or denominator of this indicator.

3 TX_PVLS: Changes Main changes: Reasons for the Changes:
Quarterly reporting Report 12 months of data every quarter, crossing FYs Reasons for the Changes: Increased frequency of monitoring VL testing coverage and outcomes 12 months of reporting each quarter because of challenges with de- duplication, if summing up quarterly data across multiple quarters in the FY

4 TX_PVLS: 12 month periods reported each quarter

5 TX_PVLS: How prepared are we for the changes
HMIS 106a has been revised to meet the new changes – rollout may affect reporting VL database cleanup to remove false duplicates Routine quarterly data cleaning to complete age and sex (these should be checked at hub/facility) Strengthening longitudinal tracking – ensure all patient VL records in database are matched in patient charts

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