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MLO Advocacy and Marketing Strategies 18 May 2018

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1 MLO Advocacy and Marketing Strategies 18 May 2018
Presenter: Harry Matolong Project Manager: Advocacy and Marketing (Mzansi Libraries On-Line) Tel: Mobile:

2 Rationale of the MLO Project:
Major gaps in public access to information and communications technology (ICT) still exist between urban, rural, and geographically-remote areas. The MLO Project is focuses on: Locating appropriate technologies for accessing information Identifying new services for community development Enhanced resources and physical spaces Training public users and staff Increased Funding for public libraries

The Mzansi Libraries On-Line (MLO) Project is an initiative of the National Library of South Africa (NLSA) to empower South African communities through free access to information, by providing ICT equipment and Internet access to public libraries. The MLO Project in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture and the Provincial Library Services provide technology to enhance free access to information to communities and/ users at 667 public libraries across South Africa.

4 MLO Benefits to Users and Communities:
The “Library Promise” Increased access to ICT particularly by children, youth, the unemployed, women, the elderly and people living with disabilities, especially the visually impaired. Increased social and economic benefits through access to health, education and economic information. Enhanced skills and capacity among library staff for improved service delivery to their communities. A sustainable public library sector that will continue to meet the needs of the community into the future.

The project will also serve as a strong advocacy initiative that will contribute to consolidating further government support for recognition of the essential role of libraries in developing an informed nation in South Africa. It will also contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the National Development Plan 2030 which is focussed on eliminating poverty and reducing inequality

National Advocacy Coordinating Committee (Made up of Provincial Heads) MLO Coordinator per Province Provincial Advocacy Work Group Provincial advocacy Work Group District Advocacy Work Group Library Advocacy Work Group National Marketing Advocacy Work Group (NLSA, LIASA, DAC, etc) 6

Raise awareness of the new information technology services at pilot libraries. The following are strategies and tactics that will be used for the different target audiences, to raise awareness of the new information technology services at the pilot libraries. MZANSI LIBRARIES ON-LINE – ADVOCACY AND MARKETING STRATEGY Objectives Strategy Tactics Target Audiences Indicators of success Time-Line Ensure optimal visibility of Mzansi Libraries On- Line project by developing a brand identity to put the project on the minds of the general population of South Africa Develop a brand identity for Mzansi Libraries On-Line – Integrated with the NLSA Make Mzansi Libraries On- Line visible in the relevant circles Develop a set of marketing material for Mzansi Libraries On-Line, ensuring message consistency about the project. Create a message toolkit that includes the core messages, specific sub-messages for the different target audiences, (the message toolkit will include customizable template material for use by public libraries and staff) Library and Information Sector; End-users and staff at the libraries; and various communities Feedback from community members and librarians Material distributed 27/03/2017

8 Organize Launch Events at participating libraries
OBJECTIVE 2 Attract new users and increase the number of existing users at district and Public libraries and the frequency of visits. The following are strategies and tactics that will be used to attract new users and to increase the frequency and number of existing users that visit district and public libraries to access ICT services: Strategy: Create a “buzz” about the new ICT services in public libraries through special events and outreach activities Tactics: Organize Launch Events at participating libraries Presentations at meetings of Provincial LIS Showcase achievements at Library Week Events

9 Publication dedicated to stories of change
OBJECTIVE 3 Increase the perceived value of public libraries with the new ICT services among all target audiences. The following are strategies and tactics that will be used with different target audiences to help increase the perceived value of public libraries with the new ICT services that are being offered through the Pilot Libraries Project: Strategies: Create a story bank for the Pilot Project to help personalise and demonstrate the value and impact of access to ICT services on people’s lives. Tactics Collect at least one compelling impact story from each public library in each province, district, and community which is participating in the MLO Project. Publication dedicated to stories of change

10 Invite decision makers to LIS an events.
OBJECTIVE 4 Increase support from decision makers at the national, provincial, district, and community level for providing ongoing access to ICT services in public libraries. The following are strategies and tactics that will be used with different target audiences to increase the support from decision makers at all levels to provide ongoing access to ICT services in public libraries during and after the Pilot Libraries Project has ended: Strategy: Build and strengthen relationships between district and PL staff and the key decision makers in their local communities who have the authority over policies and funding for public libraries. Tactics: Identify the key decision makers at each level and create a mini-outreach plan for each. Invite decision makers to LIS an events.

11 Context Objectives Audiences
Libraries best positioned to serve communities Agents of community development Objectives Increased Access Social and Economic Benefits Enhanced Skills and Capacity Audiences Unemployed Youth Elderly People living with disabilities General community Decision Makers Partners

Create Awareness and Excitement to attract new users Encourage participation to better the lives of users Enhance quality of services Share and Communicate good stories Facilitate support from decision makers

Libraries are community assets Libraries develop and empower communities Libraries offer access to technology for free Share and communicate good stories

NLSA/ BCX Internship Programme: In the 1st phase - 65 unemployed youth with post-matric ICT qualifications were recruited and up-skilled to serve as ICT facilitators at 27 MLO Pilot Libraries. In the 2nd phase – 200 unemployed youth (including youth living with disabilities) with post-matric ICT qualifications were recruited and up-skilled through an internship programme to assist with ICT facilitation at the respective Provincial Library services. The Graduation event was used to market the successes of the MLO objectives and outcomes

15 NLSA/ Lulaway Job Readiness Programme:
Interns graduating from the initial phase of the NLSA/ BCX Graduate Internship Programme have been deployed to facilitate Job Readiness Programmes for unemployed people at the libraries where they were assigned. The NLSA/ Lulaway Job Readiness Project was officially launched by the Gauteng MEC for Sports, Arts and Culture at the Sharpeville Library on 12 September 2017

16 Provincial launch of MLO in Gauteng Province: Ekurhuleni
The MLO Project in Gauteng, was officially launched by the MMC for Sports, Arts and Culture in Ekurhuleni – on 19 September 2017. The event was linked by video feed between three participating libraries: Germiston, Tsakani and Winnie Mandela public libraries

The NLSA/ MLO Project is part of the national team deploying the International Advocacy programme in South Africa As part of the road show, MLO is presenting an advocacy training programme in collaboration with LIASA to all provinces/ Branches At this stage, only the Western Cape Province did not schedule their session

18 Actions and Activities
Key Milestones and Performance Indicators The following is an outline of key milestones and performance indicators for the Advocacy and Marketing Strategic Plan. Milestones Actions and Activities Milestone Develop Advocacy and Marketing Strategic Plan Source a name for the MLO Project Branding for the MLOs Project Indicators of Success Distribution plan for branded marketing and communications material to public libraries and feedback Launch of Pilot Libraries Project in all 9 provinces Number of launch events that are held; number of attendees at launch events; media stories/interviews generated at all levels (Objective 1) Number of leaders attending these events (Objective 4)

19 MILESTONES ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES Milestone Advocacy and communications training conducted for Public Libraries and staff (Objectives 1, 2, and 3) Indicators of Success Number and type of local speaking opportunities for Provincial Library Heads and Public Library staff to raise awareness and increase user visits (Objectives 1, 2 and 4) Number and types of events and outreach activities conducted by Provincial Library heads and Public Libraries to increase visitors; number of first time visitors at events/participating in outreach activities; number of return visitors at events/participating in outreach activities


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