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The New Common Fisheries Policy

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1 The New Common Fisheries Policy
CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 15th meeting – 19/09/13 (all day) & 20/09/13 (morning) The New Common Fisheries Policy Christos THEOPHILOU - DG MARE

2 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
MSY Discard Ban Multi-annual Plans Regionalization Stock Recovery Areas Measures for compliance with Environmental legislation Data Collection Advisory Councils CFP Reform - C Theophilou

3 MSY – as defined by the reform
Article 5(6): 'maximum sustainable yield' means the highest theoretical equilibrium yield that can be continuously taken on average from a stock under existing average environmental conditions without affecting significantly the reproduction process. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

4 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
MSY -2 "aim to ensure that exploitation of living marine biological resources restores and maintains populations of harvested species above levels which can produce the MSY" "in order to reach this objective of progressively restoring and maintaining populations of fish stocks above biomass levels capable of producing MSY…" "… the MSY exploitation rate shall be achieved by 2015 where possible and on a progressive, incremental basis at the latest by 2020 for all stocks." CFP Reform - C Theophilou

5 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
MSY - 3 Discard ban may lead to adjusted TAC (F calculation on catches, no longer on landings only); discard ban not to increase F, not to jeopardize MSY. Multiannual plans may contain specific provisions to address achieving MSY for mixture of stocks where no further selectivity is possible (based on ecosystem approach) CFP Reform - C Theophilou

6 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Discard Ban Will apply gradually, by fishery, at the latest as of 1 January: 2015: pelagic fisheries, fisheries for industrial purposes, and salmon in the Baltic. : fisheries for all other species in the Baltic; : certain demersal and benthic fisheries in the North Sea, north-western waters, south-western waters, and other fisheries for species subject to catch limits. : for all other species in fisheries not covered by bullet 1, in the Med, the Black Sea and Union waters and non-Union waters not subject to third country sovereignty or jurisdiction. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

7 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Discard Ban – 2 Scope: all catches subject to catch limits and in the Med also catches subject to minimum sizes in line with the Med Regulation (1967/2006). Ban applies without prejudice to international obligations. Addition of other species if all MS interested agree, through regionalization and under delegated COM Act. Species exclusion: prohibited species, high survival rate, catches under de minimis exemptions. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

8 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Discard Ban - 3 Multiannual plans (or specific discard plan) for implementation: Definition of survivors MS ensure detailed and accurate documentation of all fishing trips and adequate capacity and means for monitoring, inter alia observers and CCTV. Fixing of minimum conservation reference sizes Undersized landings only for non-human consumption (avoid higher price incentive). CFP Reform - C Theophilou

9 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Discard Ban - 4 De minimis of up to 5 % of total annual catches (not counting against the quota) where increased selectivity is very difficult. Up to 9 % counting catches of non-target species against quota of target species (non-target stock needs to be within safe biological limits). 10 % year-to-year quota flexibility CFP Reform - C Theophilou

10 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Multi-annual Plans Purpose: Adopted as priority based on advice with measures to serve the MSY objective Content: scope, objectives, quantifiable targets, clear time frames, conservation reference points, objectives for conservation and technical measures for landing obligation, safeguards. Follow precautionary approach when targets for MSY cannot be determined. Specific conservation objectives/measures for achieving MSY for the mixture of stocks where further selectivity is not possible. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

11 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Regionalization Groups of MS and stakeholders may make joint recommendations (specific to their area/fisheries). These may then be translated into Union law via a quick procedure, provided that: - the COM agrees (in line with the CFP and scientific advice) - stakeholders are consulted If easy agreement cannot be reached via the regional approach, we fall back to co-decision (more time-consuming). CFP Reform - C Theophilou

12 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Stock Recovery Areas Union endeavours to establish (additional) protected areas in sensitive environments e.g. spawning grounds; fishing may be restricted/prohibited. MS to identify areas and prepare where appropriate joint recommendations under regionalization. COM may be empowered in multiannual plans to establish such areas. COM reports to EP and Council regularly. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

13 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Measures for compliance with environmental legislation – linked back to Art. 2: Objectives The CFP shall… … ensure that fishing and aquaculture activities are environmentally sustainable in the long term and are managed in way consistent with the objectives of achieving economic, social and employment benefits, and of contributing to the availability of food supplies … implement the ecosystem based approach to fisheries management to ensure that negative impacts on the ecosystem are minimized, and endeavour to ensure that aquaculture and fisheries activities avoid the degradation of the marine environment CFP Reform - C Theophilou

14 Measures for compliance with environmental legislation (Art. 12) - 2
MS are authorized to adopt conservation measures, for their vessels active in their waters, in compliance with the conservation areas related provisions under Birds, Habitats and Marine Strategy Directive. If measures affect other MS, the MS make a recommendation to the COM. The COM shall be empowered to adopt a delegated act (fast-track procedure). Initiating MS and others submit information and joint recommendation within time limit. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

15 Measures for compliance with environmental legislation – 3
In cases of urgency (jeopardizing the achievement of the conservation objectives), COM shall adopt measures for maximum of 1 year, with possible extension with 1 more year. Where no joint recommendations are made, COM may submit a proposal under co-decision. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

16 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Data Collection Increased transparency of data collection MS report annually on execution of national data collection programmes Relevant union financial assistance may be suspended/interrupted when MS fail to collect and/or provide data on time. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

17 CFP Reform - C Theophilou
Advisory Councils Creation of new ACs: Black Sea, Outermost Regions, Markets. Composition: 60% industry, 40% other interest groups. The role of stakeholders is reinforced – MS must consult them before making joint recommendations to the COM. CFP Reform - C Theophilou

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