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Abase (V) To degrade or lower in rank, prestige, or esteem.

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Presentation on theme: "Abase (V) To degrade or lower in rank, prestige, or esteem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obiter Dictum (N) An incidental remark or observation; a passing comment.
Abase (V) To degrade or lower in rank, prestige, or esteem. Nihilism (N) An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence Mutatis Mutandis (ADV) The necessary changes have been made. Terra Incognita (N) An unknown land, and unexplored region.

2 LIST 16 1. Sedate: calm someone or make them sleep (V) 2. Retort: to answer in a sharp, angry manner (V) 3. Inanimate: Inanimate: not alive, motionless (ADJ) 4. Epigram: a remark expressing an idea in a clever or unusual way (N) 5. Obsequious: obedient or attentive to an excessive degree. (ADJ)

3 How to Read Poetry: 1. Don't skip the title 2. Read it well. a. Read at least twice b. Read aloud c. Pay attention to punctuation 3. Try paraphrasing 4. No words are useless 5. Be open to interpretation- figurative meanings

4 Types of Poetry English 1 CP January 2013

5 Narrative poetry A poem that tells a story or recounts events
Like a short story or novel, a narrative poem has plot, characters, setting, and theme. “The Raven” is a narrative poem

6 Narrative Poetry “We Real Cool,”Gwendolyn Brooks (1960)
“The Death of the Hired Man”, Robert Frost (1915)

7 ode A complex lyric poem that develops a serious and dignified theme.
Appeals to both imagination and intellect May commemorate event or praise people or elements of nature.

8 Ode Essential Question
What is more beautiful: a picture of a beautiful garden with everything fully in bloom or a real garden that blooms and dies with the season? The anticipation for a moment or actually experiencing the moment?

9 WARM UP 1/15 Touch: Taste: Smell: Sight: Sound:

10 Imagery Example Just give me the light Smooth is my bulb
Tastes like hot electricity Ruler of light Gives my home sight Sounds like a buzz We shut off every night

11 Lyric Poetry A short poem in which a single speaker expresses personal thoughts and feelings. Most poems, other than dramatic and narrative poems are lyric poems.

12 LYRIC POEMS In ancient Greece lyric poems were meant for singing.
Poems were accompanied by a lyre Not all modern lyric poems are not meant to be sung or performed (some are)

13 Elegy WARM UP: Identify nicknames that they may have for your siblings, teachers, or friends. Why do they have those nicknames?

14 Elegy Can nicknames be a form of symbolism and extended metaphor?

15 elegy A poem in which the speaker reflects on death
Elegies are often written in tribute to a person who has recently died- or an equally serious subject Written in formal dignified language and serious in tone

16 Elegy presentation You have 5 minutes to prepare with your group
Read the poem aloud Summarize what your group believes the poem to be about Identify the rhyme scheme Identify at least 2 other poetic elements from the poem

17 sonnet A formal poem written in iambic pentameter 14 lines
Classified as Petrarchan or Shakespearian Shakespearian sonnets consist of three quatrains (four line units) and a final couplet ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG.

18 sonnet What could you compare love to? Think of everyday objects and spend a few minutes explaining what love is like, comparing it to those objects.

19 1. Obsequious: obedient or attentive to an excessive degree. (ADJ)
2. Pathetic fallacy: the attribution of human feelings and qualities to objects or animals. (N) 3. Nihilism: extreme skepticism, denying all existence. (N) 4. Interstice: opening, crack, crevice (N) 5. Inanimate: not alive, motionless (ADJ)

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