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Take out the World War II Guided Reading # t

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1 Take out the World War II Guided Reading # t
Take out the World War II Guided Reading # t.he piece of scratch paper 1-5 Who were the allied powers? What was the effect of Germany invading Poland? True or False… The Axis powers controlled most of Europe in 1942. True or False… Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into WWII. How many European soldiers died in WWII?

2 WORLD WAR II As you view each slide/event fill in the missing information from your handout.

3 1933-April-July EVENT: Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany and leader of the Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party and is the only political party in Germany. SIGNIFICANCE: German people no longer have any choice in government, Germany is a dictatorship.

4 1935-March 16 EVENT: Benito Mussolini rises to power in Italy and claims the African country of Ethiopia as territory of Italy. SIGNIFICANCE: Italy becomes part of the Axis powers and is also a dictatorship.

5 1938-March 12 & 13 EVENT: Hitler Annexes Austria

6 Munich Agreement SIGNIFICANCE: Chamberlain of Britain tries to appease Hitler to avoid war and gives to Germany the German speaking parts of Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetanland. .

7 Nazi-Soviet Pact SIGNIFICANCE: Soviet Union secures peace with Germany for now. Soviet Union & Germany divide Eastern Europe among themselves.


9 1939- Germany Invades Poland
SIGNIFICANCE: Poland is taken under Nazi control, UK and France declare war on AXIS powers.

10 1940 1940-April 9 Germany invades Denmark & Norway 1940-May 10
Germany invades BeNeLux Countries 1940-May 15 & 28 Germany invades France through the Ardennes Forest 1940-June 14 Paris falls to the Nazis SIGNIFICANCE: Germany is able to capture North Western European Countries.


12 1940-June 22 EVENT: Battle of Britain
SIGNIFICANCE: British fight back and are able to weaken German Luftwaffes (Airplanes) by using Radar

13 Lend-Lease Act SIGNIFICANCE: U.S. and other countries within the League of Nations promise to aid countries with supplies if they are under attack by Nazis.

14 1941-Germany Invades Russia
Germany is fighting a war on two fronts

15 1941-December 7&8 EVENT: Japanese attack Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii and the U.S. declares war on Japan SIGNIFICANCE: FDR makes his “Day of Infamy” Speech and declares war on Japan, U.S. Pacific fleet is wiped out.

Satellites: Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Thailand an axis on which the world was to revolve around


18 Strategic Bombing



21 1944-June 6 EVENT: D-Day, Allied troops invade Normandy, France
SIGNIFICANCE: Turning point of war. U.S. and allied troops are able reoccupy Europe.

22 1945-April Fall of Berlin EVENT: Hitler realizes his defeat and commits suicide rather than surrender.

23 1945-May 8 EVENT: Germany surrenders to allies
SIGNIFICANCE: FDR declares May 8 V-E Day, Victory in Europe Day, Fighting still continues in the Pacific.



26 1945-August 6 & 9 EVENT: 2 Atomic Bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki by the U.S. SIGNIFICANCE: 5 Days later, August 14 Japan surrenders.

27 Hiroshima – August 6, 1945 48,000 buildings. destroyed.
70,000 killed immediately 48,000 buildings. destroyed. 100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.

28 Nagasaki – August 9, 1945 40,000 killed immediately 60,000 injured.
100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.

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