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Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Day 1

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Day 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Day 1
1. Please have these Items on your desk. Motion Work sheets Agenda Science notebook Science Starters Sheet 2- Science Starter: How did they calculate the speed of Ryan Matthews?

2 What does a motion map show?
What does a distance/time graph show or represent?

3 Table of Contents Update
2/22(Blue) Speed Lab – Rough Draft Page 35 2/22(Blue) Speed Lab – Data Table Page 36

4 Data Analysis Paragraph 1:
State the purpose of the investigation (The purpose of this investigation was to…) What was your hypothesis (It was proposed that…, It was hypothesized that) Present results/data: The results of the experiment showed… This should include the quantitative as well as qualitative data from your experiment: Report averages only What do the results of the experiment indicate? (What does your data mean?) Paragraph 2: What were the expected results? (Refer to prior research) If the results were not as expected, explain possible reasons for the results obtained Explain possible sources of error in the experiment ( at least 3) Explain how the experiment could be modified (How could the procedures be improved to reduce experimental error? How could you eliminate unwanted variables?) *If the results ARE as expected, explain how the data is reliable/valid (Reliability refers to the consistency of results and validity refers to the experimental design- the experiment measured what it was supposed to measure.)


6 Problem: How fast is the average teenager? Page 35
Hypothesis: If….then…because (refer prior research) Materials: 1 meter stick 2 timers 1 roll masking tape 1 sharpie marker Procedures: Gather materials. 3 participants (at least) 10 meter (at least) Participants have to do 4 activities down the track. (Example: walking, skipping, hopping…)

7 Create a data table Pg. 36 Event Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Time
Distance traveled Average Speed m/s

8 Distance time graph Distance in meters Time in Seconds

9 Speed of a student Speed m/s Activity

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