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GUARANTEE OF CARE: What is acceptable readmission Ilkka Vohlonen, Professor Health Policy Eastern Finland University Casemix Conference Helsinki,

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Presentation on theme: "GUARANTEE OF CARE: What is acceptable readmission Ilkka Vohlonen, Professor Health Policy Eastern Finland University Casemix Conference Helsinki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GUARANTEE OF CARE: What is acceptable readmission Ilkka Vohlonen, Professor Health Policy Eastern Finland University Casemix Conference Helsinki, Finland,

2 CONTENTS 1. Definition of readmission
2. Other defintions of outcome quality Recovery period Incapability to work 3. Factors influencing the hospital´s success In-flow and out-flow of patients Role of primary care in relation to inpatient care 4. Factors determining readmission 5. Conclusions


4 Period of recovery after discharge
City of Oulu City of Lahti PERIOD OF RECOVERY Less than a week 51% 48% 1-4 weeks 23% 25% 1mnth-3mnths 15% 9%

5 Ischaemic heart disease 1997-1999 - 2000-2002
Before Hospital After Sick leave (days)

6 Ischaemic heart disease 1997-1999 vs 2000-2002
before hospital after

7 University hospitals

8 University hospitals






14 CONCLUSION In Finland the most important factors determining readmission are I. Process related failures II. Outcome failures III. Structural failures

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