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Lifetime and Mixing Chunlei Liu / University of Pittsburgh

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1 Lifetime and Mixing Chunlei Liu / University of Pittsburgh
On behalf of CDF and D0 collaborations FPCP 2008 May 5-9

2 Part I Lifetime Motivation and Experiments B0s , Bc lifetimes Part II Mixing B0s mixing from D0 D0 mixing from CDF

3 Decay of B Hadrons Pauli interference prolongs lifetimes:
kinetic and chromomagnetic operator weak annihilation and Pauli interference Pauli interference prolongs lifetimes: +5% for B+, +3% for Lb Spectator model: all b hadron lifetimes are equal. Heavy Quark Expansion (HQE): Lifetime ratios are better predicted: t(B+)/t(B0), t(Bs)/t(B0), t(Lb)/t(B0)… Weak annihilation or scattering reduces lifetimes -7% Lb

4 The Bc - Doubly Heavy Meson
• Doubly heavy with b and c quark – interesting lab for studying QCD • Both quarks decay or annihilate, shorter lifetime than light B mesons theory prediction: t(Bc) : ps arXiv:hep-ph/ v1 Phy Rev. D 64, (2001) Phy Lett. B 452, 129 (1999) hep-ph/ ( and references within)

5 B0s Lifetime and Decay Width Difference
B0s →J/y f W c s c Eigenstates: Bslight and Bsheavy => GL and GH Gs= (GL+GH)/2 , DG = GL-GH Two kinds of lifetime measurements: Measure 1/Gs and DG directly (need to identify CP eigenstates) Treat GL and GH together as one exponential, measure t e.g flavor specific channel:

6 Combine ts and DG DG: theoretically calculable and sensitive to new Physics Probe to New Physics : DG= 2|G12|cos(fs)

7 Latest HFAG (by 03/08) New measurements today:
Bs lifetime –direct measurement Bs lifetime – flavor specific Bc lifetime Theory references: PRD 68, (2003) PRD 70, (2004) hep-ph/ (2007)

8 Tevatron pp collisions at 1.96 TeV
3.4 fb–1 data on tape (recorded at D0) Initial instantaneous luminosity up to 3x1032cm–2s–1 Main Injector & Recycler Tevatron p source Booster CDF Apr 2002 – Apr 2008

9 CDF II Detector DØ Detector
Central tracking: silicon vertex detector drift chamber => dpT/pT = pT excellent vertex resolution Particle identification: dE/dX and TOF Excellent muon coverage Good tracker coverage Silicon layer 0 installed in 2006 improves track parameter resolution tracker

10 Measure ts and DG from B0s→J/y f
q ct=L/bg =Lxy/sinq/bg =LxyM/PT CP conservation (bs=0) |BsH> : CP odd eigenstate ~ % |BsL> : CP even eigenstate ~ % S, D waves: CP even P wave: CP odd Angular distribution in transversity basis => separate CP eigenstates

11 Events Selection at CDF/D0
Di-muon trigger Neural Network selection at CDF ~ 2500 signal events Cuts based selection at D0 ~ signal events

12 Measure ts and DG (bs free) =1.52 ± 0.05(stat)±0.01(syst) ps
DG=0.19±0.07(stat) (syst) ps-1 (bs=0) t=1.53 ± 0.06(stat) ps DG=0.14 ± 0.07(stat) ps-1 (arXiv:/ [hep-ex]) (bs=0) t=1.52 ± 0.04(stat) ± 0.02(syst) ps DG=0.08 ± 0.06(stat) ± 0.01(syst) ps-1 World’s best measurement! Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, (2008)

13 Bs Lifetime Measurement from Bs→ Ds+(fp) p- X - CDF
x2 stats fully and partially reconstructed channel such as: Bs→ Ds-1 r(p+ p0) Double statistics! “K” factor accounts for missing momentum and mass Extensive test on B0, B+ control samples

14 Events Selection and Fit Strategy
Data (1.3 fb-1) collected by displaced-vertex trigger ( 120mm<d0<1mm ) ~ 1100 fully reconstructed events ~ 2000 partially reconstructed events => cut on lifetime ( events with ct<d0 removed) modeled with “trigger efficiency curve” from MC Two-step fit, 1)mass fit => relative fraction of various modes and background 2) lifetime fit (shape from MC, fraction from mass fit) => extract lifetime only

15 Lifetime Result (CDF) Fix fractions from mass fit
t(Bs) only free parameter = ± 0.041(stat.) ± 0.025(syst.) ps ( Lifetime for control samples: B0→ D-(K+p-p-) p B0→ D*-(D0(K+p-)p-) p B+ →D0(K+p-) p+ Agrees well with PDG D0 had Bs semileptonic lifetime in 2006 from Bs→Ds-m+nX t=1.398±0.044(stat) (syst) ps PRL 97, (2006)

16 Bc Semileptonic Lifetime
Missing momentum, correct pseudo-lifetime: ct= K x ct* K= pT(J/y l)/ pT(Bc) Main challenge is multiple backgrounds: real J/Ψ + fake lepton fake J/Ψ + real lepton real J/Ψ + real lepton → from bb events prompt J/Ψ + lepton residual conversion (J/y+e only)

17 Bc→J/y+m+X from D0 (1.35 fb-1)
Mass – lifetime simultaneous fit used to disentangle small signal fraction among large fraction of backgrounds

18 Bc→J/y+l+X from CDF (1.0 fb-1)
Lifetime fit only Muon channel Electron channel ct= (stat) mm ct= (stat) mm combined (by likelihood): t= (stat) ± 0.018(syst) ps (

19 Combine Bc Lifetime from D0 and CDF
Bc lifetime measurements have been exclusive to Tevatron Weighted average: t=0.459 ± ps Theory prediction: t=0.47 – 0.59 ps

20 Part I Lifetime Motivation and Experiments B0s , Bc lifetimes Part II Mixing B0s mixing from D0 D0 mixing from CDF

21 B0s Mixing two eigenstates and
Dms  mH – mL , Gs ( GH + GL)/2, DG  GL – GH DmsTheo =19.3 ± 6.4 ± 1.9 (arXiv: /hep-ph) Dms/Dmd ∝ |Vts|2/|Vtd|2 CDF measured at: ± 0.10(stat) ± 0.07(syst) ps Show D0 new result today !

22 Dms Measurement Strategy
Opposite Side Same Side

23 Final States Reconstruction at D0
Data collected by inclusive single and di-muon triggers, 2.4 fb-1 Final cuts maximizing S/ sqrt(S+B) D0 Run IIa D0 Run IIb innermost layer of silicon added resolution improved

24 Measure Dms at D0 Introduce amplitude, P(t) ~ 1  AD cos(Dmst)
Fit for A at different Dms Δms = ± 0.93(stat) ± 0.30(syst) ps-1 2.9 s significance ( DO conference note 5618) Agrees with what CDF measured in 2006: Δms = ± 0.10(stat) ± 0.07(syst) ps-1

25 D0 Mixing DM/G DG/G discovered K0 0.474 0.997 1964
D0 mixing in SM occurs through either: ‘short range’ processes ‘long range’ processes (negligible in SM) DM/G DG/G discovered K B < Bs D < < Recent D0 mixing evidence : Compare D0 → ππ, KK (CP eigenstates) with D0 → Kπ ( Belle) 2) Compare doubly Cabibbo suppressed (DCS) D0 →K+π- with Cabibbo favored (CF) D0 →K-π+ (Babar ) Lifetime ratio: where x=DM/DG , y=DG/2G, d is strong phase between DCS and CF modes

26 Evidence for D0 Mixing at CDF (1.5 fb-1)
CDF : probe longer D0 lifetime than B factories 3.8s significance comparing DCS D0 →K+π- to CF D0 →K-π+ RD (10-3) =3.04± x’2(10-3)=-0.12± y’(10-3)= 8.5±7.6 (Phys.Rev.Lett.100:121802,2008 ) Lifetime ratio fit Bayesian probability 1-4s contour: closed circle: best fit value open diamond: highest probability point physically allowed (x’2≥0) cross : no mixing point 3.8s

27 Conclusion Best Bs t and DG measurement in the world
Bc lifetime provide better constraint for theory Bs mixing from D0 confirms CDF measurement D0 mixing evidence from hadron collider Expect new Lb lifetime result for the summer

28 Back Up

29 Angular Analysis in Transversity Basis
● Bs->J/y f is P -> VV decay ➔ 3 possible angular momenta: S, D wave: CP even P wave : CP odd ● Separation by angular distribution ➢ Transversity angles q, f ,y 

30 B0s Systematics and Cross Check
Systematics at CDF: ) Background angular distribution ) Mass model ) Lifetime resolution function ) B0 cross feed ) Detector acceptance ) Silicon detector alignment Cross check sample at CDF: B0→J/y K*0 for angular analyis Lifetime: td= 1.52 ± 0.02(stat) ± 0.02(syst) ps Systematics at D0: ) Procedure test ) Acceptance ) Reconstruction algorithm ) Background model ) Detector alignment

31 Bs→ J/y f angular distribution

32 B0 → J/y K*0 ctd = 456 +/- 6 (stat) +/- 6 (syst) μm
|A0|2 = / (stat) +/ (syst) |A|||2 = / (stat) +/ (syst) δ|| = / (stat) +/ (syst) δ⊥ = / (stat) +/ (syst)

33 Mass components: Single B templates (MC): (signal): Bs→ Ds(fp) X (bkgd): B0, B+, Lb Real D + track (background): template comes from fit to wrong-sign sample Ds- p- Fake D + track (background): template comes from D sidebands

34 Bc Background Summary at CDF

35 One word about Λb Lifetime Status
DØ measurements are in agreement with the theoretical predictions and with the world average CDF measurement in is ~3s high w.r.t world average Expect CDF measurement updates very soon decay mode CDF lifetime (ps), 1 fb DØ lifetime (ps), fb-1 update expected soon x x expected soon x


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