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CCC Ming Kei College S.3 to S.4 Introduction to Class Streaming

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1 CCC Ming Kei College S.3 to S.4 Introduction to Class Streaming 28 April 2018

2 334 Education System S.1 to S.3 3 Years S.4 to S.6 3 Years HKDSE
University 4 Years

3 Other Learning Experiences + Student Learning Profile
Curriculum Core Subjects: English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies One to Three Elective(s) Or One to Two Elective(s)+ M1/M2 Other Learning Experiences + Student Learning Profile

4 Electives Possible Electives Chinese History, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, History, Economics, Visual Arts, Information and Communication Technology, BAFS M1 M2 may be offered in S.5 and S.6 Applied Learning can be taken in S.5 and S.6

5 Other Learning Experiences
Music Lessons PE Lessons Visits Co-curricular Activities Extracurricular Activities Chapel Assembly Mass Programmes Intellectual Development Moral and Civic Education Community Service Physical and Aesthetic Development 5. Career-related Experiences

6 Attention HKDSE Assessment Method:
Public Examination + School-based Assessment (English, Chinese, Liberal Studies and Some Electives)

7 HKDSE Category A Level Attained
JUPUS Scores 5** 7 5* 6 5 4 3 2 HKDSE Category B : Applied Learning Level Attained with Distinction II/I Level 4 / 3 Level Attained Level 2

8 HKDSE Category A Subjects
5** and 5* Descriptors Level 5** is awarded to the highest-achieving 10% (approximately) level 5 candidates. Level 5* is awarded to the next highest-achieving 30% (approximately) level 5 candidates.

9 have a wider choice of programme selection of different universities.
The Third Elective The Candidates have a wider choice of programme selection of different universities. are more competitive. should have higher abilities in academic studies.

10 The following are the basic requirements that you will have to attain in the HKDSE for entry to HKU / CU/ UST/ HKPoly U/ City U: Level 3 or above in English Language; Level 3 or above in Chinese Language; Level 2 or above in Mathematics; Level 2 or above in Liberal Studies; and Level 3 or above in TWO Elective Subjects. (UST, CU, PolyU and CityU also accept M1 or M2 as an elective subject)

11 The following are the basic requirements that you will have to attain in the HKDSE for entry to
BU / LU: Level 3 or above in English Language; Level 3 or above in Chinese Language; Level 2 or above in Mathematics; Level 2 or above in Liberal Studies; and Level 2 or above in ONE Elective Subject. 3322+2

12 Entry Requirements: 4 Core Subjects + 1 Elective (The highest score(s) of the elective(s) 4 Core Subjects + 2 Electives (The highest scores of the electives) 4 Core Subjects + 1 Elective (Best 5) Some programmes also consider the Mathematics extended module as an elective.

13 Subject combinations of school candidates
No. of school candidates (%) DSE 4 core subjects + 1 elective subject ,632 (9.0%) 4 core subjects + 2 elective subjects 36,374 (70.4%) 4 core subjects + 3 elective subjects 9,012 (17.4%) 4 core subjects + 4 elective subjects (0.2%) Remark: Core subjects include Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics Compulsory part and Liberal Studies; Elective subjects include Categories A (non-core subjects), B and C subjects.

14 4A 4B 4C 4D 2017-2018 S.4 Curriculum Option 1: Economics / Chemistry
Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Option 1: Economics / Chemistry Option 2: Chemistry / Geography / Physics / BAFS / History / ICT Option 3: VA1 / VA2 / Chinese History / Economics / BAFS / Physics

15 4A 4D 4B 4C 2018-2019 S.4 Curriculum Option 1: Eng, Chi, Maths, LS
Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Option 1: Eng, Chi, Maths, LS Option 2 : Option 3:

16 Based on the findings of the Elective Subjects Survey, the school will adjust the electives’ combination for 2018/2019. Date of submission of the subject selection form: June 2018

17 You may need to consider the following:
Elective subjects? 2 or 3 Electives? M1 or M2 ? Applied Learning?

18 X1 relevant subject (Weighted Score) X2, M1, M2 extra scores Interview
Programme 學位 60 Student Chi Eng Math LS X Scores Rank XXX ABC DDD AAA DDA X1 relevant subject (Weighted Score) X2, M1, M2 extra scores Interview Student Learning Profile 18

19 HKDSE The core subjects are very important. Chi + Eng + Maths + Liberal Studies

20 S.4 (3X 班) S.4 (2X 班) Maths 6 Chi Eng LS Total / / 42 Extra five lessons are allocated to core subjects

21 S. 4 Curriculum (2017-2018): CHist + Geo + BAFS Chem + CHist + Geo
Option 1: Chemistry / Economics Option 2:Chem / Geo / Phy / BAFS / Hist / ICT / Option 3: Bio / Phy / CHistory/ Econ / VA1 / VA2 CHist + Geo + BAFS Chem + CHist + Geo CHist + Geo Bio + VA1

22 Repetition still applies in S.3

23 The Possible Places for Repetition

24 Promotion Criteria 1. Pass in average aggregate
Pass in English Language, Chinese Language and Mathematics Has sat in all subjects’ examinations without deliberate absence Good attendance record during the year

25 Term Marks Exam Marks 70% 30 % S.4

26 S.3 Aggregate Marks Total = Eng(400)+Chin(300)+Maths(300)+Bio(100)+Chem(100)+Phy(100)+Chi.Hist(100)+ Geo(100)+Hist(100)+Put(100)+HE/Art/Cera (50)+CL(50)+Mus(50)+PE(50)+RE(50)+Prj (100) = 2050

27 S.4 Class Streaming Electives : The average marks of all subjects (based on annual performance)

28 學生選科意願調查表(三月):


30 Procedures of Class Streaming
The average marks of all subjects (based on annual performance) Higher form position will allocate to the top three choices first. If the first three choices have been full, you will be allocated to other choices.

31 Applied Learning Lesson Time: Saturdays (AM or PM) (a total of 180 hours, approximately 60 lessons) Venue: the service providers Fee: settled by the EDB

32 Important Dates: 28 April 2018 Parents’ Seminar
End of June Distribution of Electives Selection Form End of June Submission of Electives Selection Form Early Aug Release Result

33 Thank You

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