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Cartridge is container with ink-jet for a printer.

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Presentation on theme: "Cartridge is container with ink-jet for a printer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cartridge is container with ink-jet for a printer.

3 None of us can longer imagine living without a printer…

4 Production of cartridges: Ink is made up of 408 tiny nozzles. Some ink is heated to 300 degrees Celsius within 2 microseconds. This causes the expansion of bubbles and fire ink droplets at a speed of 50 km/h.

5 Then the nozzle is filled with some more ink and then fired in a direction of the sheet of paper. This operation is repeated 36 000 times per second. Ink does it with great-precision, although a drop of ink, has to overcome a considerable distance.

6 What's in the cartridge? Platinum Copper Tin

7 Every year hundreds millions of empty ink- heads and laser toner cartridges reaches landfills all over the world. Still comes electric waste. The consequences of such actions are hard to predict. Mountain pile of the toxic garbage left to posterity, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources - these scenarios are terrible! Every year hundreds millions of empty ink- heads and laser toner cartridges reaches landfills all over the world. Still comes electric waste. The consequences of such actions are hard to predict. Mountain pile of the toxic garbage left to posterity, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources - these scenarios are terrible!

8 This can be prevented!!!


10 Used cartridges should be recycled. For example, returned to the shop it was purchased or disposed into suitable marked bin. This way, used cartridges will no longer be a threat to the environment, and customers will receive a high quality eco- product.


12 And here they are - ready to be reused...

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