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Schematic illustration of the study design.

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1 Schematic illustration of the study design.
Schematic illustration of the study design. When the infant fell asleep, data were first collected with VoluSense Pediatrics (VSP) (VoluSense, Bergen, Norway) alone for 2–3 min (A) before the Exhalyzer D (Eco Medics, Duernten, Switzerland) neonatal facemask was placed over the infant's mouth and nose. Once the facemask was in place, a marker was inserted in the VSP recording. To allow adaptation to the facemask, the Exhalyzer D measurement was started ∼30 s after the facemask was put on. Simultaneous recording using both devices was done for ∼1 min (B) before the mask was removed. New markers were inserted in the VSP recording as the Exhalyzer D measurement was started and stopped. Mariann H.L. Bentsen et al. ERJ Open Res 2016;2: ©2016 by European Respiratory Society

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