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Aboriginals and the media

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1 Aboriginals and the media
Grade 6 Social Studies Aboriginals and the media

2 Minds on... Spaceship Activity!
- If an alien were to come to earth, draw what they would arrive in.

3 Critical thinking... Part 1
Why did you draw that? Where have you seen images of a spaceship? How does what you see on TV or in movies shape how you think about certain things?

4 Critical Thinking... Part 2
Think of Natives, make a list of things you think of when you think of Natives Now, re-examine your list, put a 1 beside all the positive things and a 2 beside all the negative things

5 Questions Are there more positive images or negative images?
Why do you think these images exist? Can you think of any movies or T.V. Shows that show aboriginals in a bad way?

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