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Building performance gets its own OSCAR

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1 Building performance gets its own OSCAR
Symbolism of BPI’s first Industry Award

2 OSCAR The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences bestows the OSCAR as an ‘Award of Merit’ The OSCAR honors the recipient’s outstanding achievements in movies…

3 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
The building performance industry has never had an award to honor achievement But now we do…

4 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
BPI now presents an Award for Outstanding Contribution to Excellence in Building Performance Judges will look for achievement, leadership, success, service and commitment to the goals of BPI The Award is to be known as…

5 THE Tony Woods Award

6 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
Recipients will be nominated by their peers – BPI Canada members Any individual, company, organization or agency in the BPI Canada network is eligible Pick up your nomination form today or download from

7 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
BPI Canada Award Committee will evaluate nominees Recommend to BPI Board of Directors for approval Award Committee may recommend multiple awards or no award at all

8 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
First Tony Woods Award was awarded in April 2009 at Affordable Comfort in Kansas City First Tony Woods Award – Canada was awarded in October 2009 at Energy Retrofits Conference in Toronto

9 How does the Tony Woods Award symbolize the BPI Canada mission?

10 It promotes a healthy, safe, durable, comfortable and energy-efficient environment

11 It has a transparent envelope surrounding a sphere set on a base of polished stone

12 The exterior is blue to symbolize cold and the protected interior is red for warmth

13 The top of the interior envelope is curved like an egg – nature’s own durable, safe, healthy environment to nurture life

14 This curved shape provides maximum strength for minimum material thickness

15 The envelope is also gridded to match the way we build it…as a system of components

16 A metal sphere inside the envelope represents the occupants

17 And the base is solid as is the foundation of any sheltering environment

18 It all adds up to a very individualistic award recognizing exceptional and singular effort

19 Finally, the house shape is an upward-pointing arrow to symbolize our mission of continuous performance improvement

20 We thank the Awards Committee and other contributors who developed the award…

21 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
The Tony Woods Award was first introduced by BPI as the BIPPI in 2005 Mr. Tony Woods was instrumental in the development of the award category and worked with his brother Mr. Carson Woods to develop the award

22 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
In 2008, as Tony was undergoing health problems, the BPI Chair proposed that the BIPPI award be renamed the Tony Woods Award, thereby reflecting a man who personally dedicated his life to advancing building energy efficiency.

23 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
Mr. Tony Woods was not able to attend the April 2009 Affordable Comfort Conference but was touched when he heard that the award was renamed after him. Tony did not make it to see the Tony Woods Award launched in Canada

24 BEHIND THE Tony Woods Award
The Tony Woods Award remains as a testimony and a remembrance of Tony’s life and dedication to the building energy efficiency industry.

25 Ladies and Gentlemen The Tony Woods Award!

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