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Welcome to Math Class OPEN HOUSE!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Math Class OPEN HOUSE!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Math Class OPEN HOUSE!

2 Ms. Rittenberry Introducing… A.A. from Blinn College B.A.T. from SHSU
M.Ed. from SHSU I have been teaching for 29 years. My hobby is photography.

3 Ms. Rittenberry’s Contact Information

4 Conference Period: Phone Number: Email: 5th 11:07 – 12:30
Ext. 1265

5 All communication with my students and their parents is important to me. I will return s or phone calls within 24 hours unless I am absent.

6 Grading Policy Late Work- Major Grades ( 3 per nine weeks) – 60%
Includes TESTS and Projects Daily Grades (at least 9 per nine weeks) – 40% Includes Homework and Quizzes Late Work- Homework will be given a 50 point reduction for each day late up until the 2nd day. Projects will be given a 15 point reduction for each day late up until the 3rd day.

7 It is the students responsibility to pick up their make-up work from their class period folder in the hanging files after an absence. Make-Up Work? HOMEWORK? Most of the time, homework counts as an effort grade. Therefore, to receive a 100 the student must show work and attempt every problem. With parental support the students learn the importance of trying and practicing new math concepts during a homework assignment, not a quiz or test. This way they are not penalized for mistakes.

8 Add to Your Online Favorites:


10 By subscribing here, you will receive page and posts updates.

11 You can’t learn without asking questions!
Tutoring: This will take place before/after school by appointment only.

12 Thank you so much for attending Open House!
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Thank you so much for attending Open House! Your kids are lucky to have parents that care and are willing to get involved in their education.

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