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AIM: What happened in the election of 1960?

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1 AIM: What happened in the election of 1960?

2 Election of 1960 - The Candidates
(R) (D) Richard Nixon (VP) John F. Kennedy (Senator) better relations with communists Use Ike’s popularity Expert on foreign policy Promised to get USA moving again - stagnant Civil Rights (contacted King in jail) discusses Catholicism openly Both had similar positions on many policy issues

3 Debates on TV! Americans fear U.S. falling behind Soviets militarily
1st televised presidential debate: Kennedy & Richard Nixon – LOOKS!!! Kennedy “wins” debate & election 43 years old youngest elected president 1st catholic


5 Camelot The Kennedy Mystique
Kennedy White House: called Camelot for glamour, culture, etc Attorney General = Brother

6 The Kennedy clan poses for a family photo in 1960
The Kennedy clan poses for a family photo in From the left: Ethel, Steve Smith, Eunice, Rose, Jean, Joe, Jack, Jackie, Bobby, Ted, Patricia, Sargent Shriver, Joan, and Peter Lawford.

7 The New Frontier The Economy 1960: U.S. in recession - 6% unemployment
Pushes for deficit spending - stimulate growth Foreign Policy – Flexible Response

8 The Promise of Progress
Addressing Poverty Abroad Peace Corps: assist developing nations –success!! Alliance for Progress: assistance to Latin America deter spread of communism in Latin America

9 The Bay of Pigs Cuban exiles/CIA plan invasion – WHY? Plans go wrong!
topple Castro!! Plans go wrong! exile forces killed/taken prisoner JFK pays ransom: food/medicine RESULT: mission is public embarrassment

10 Participants in the Bay of Pigs invasion after their capture by the forces of Fidel Castro (1961).



13 A New Military Policy Defining a Military Strategy
JFK believes must redefine nation’s nuclear strategy Flexible response—fight conventional wars, keep nuclear arms balanced JFK increases defense spending in three areas: strengthens conventional forces creates army Special Forces (Green Berets) triples nuclear capabilities

14 The New Frontier New Frontier: policies of Kennedy administration
Rough going! Republican-Southern Democrat coalition Lacks skill to get policies passed lacks mandate: clear voter support for his agenda

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