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N. Atlantic Coast and Ches. Watershed CESUs

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1 N. Atlantic Coast and Ches. Watershed CESUs
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) N. Atlantic Coast and Ches. Watershed CESUs Bill Thompson, North Atlantic Coast CESU University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI Dan Filer, Chesapeake Watershed CESU University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science – Appalachian Laboratory, Frostburg, MD E X P E R I E N C E Y O U R A M E R I C A

2 What is the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) Network?
A nationwide consortium of federal agencies, universities, conservation organizations, and other partners working together to support agency missions and resource stewardship. National CESU website:

3 Current Participation
 17 CESUs  13 Federal Agencies  over 240 universities (including more than 40 minority serving institutions), state, tribal and non-governmental partners  Since 1999, approximately 5,000 projects involving over $100M  Some agencies have duty-stationed employees at CESU host universities

4 CESU Network: Organizational Framework
National CESU Council (federal partners) – forum for coordination and implementation of CESU Network Individual CESUs 5-yr, multi-party agreement (roles/responsibilities, overhead rate, etc.) Host university CESU Director Federal partner reps (e.g., NPS Research Coordinator) Non-federal partner reps (research, administration) Federal partners use CESU agreements to fund non-federal partners

5 26 non-federal partners, host university = University of RI
Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement US Fish and Wildlife Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Park Service Natural Resources Conservation Service Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Geological Survey

Partner list can be found by visiting this website

7 Benefits of the CESU Network
Direct access to partners offering a wide range of expertise within many disciplines >400 partners in 17 CESUs nationwide Increased opportunities for training/prof. development Streamlined agreements process (varies by agency) Overhead rate of 17.5% National average for universities is ~ 48.5% Result: more funds spent on performing the work and supporting agency missions (~ $33M for DoD projects during )

8 Cooperative Agreement vs. Contract
Public purpose (not direct benefit to the government) Substantial involvement by the government Contract/Procurement Acquisition of product or services Direct benefit to the government

9 CESU Competition Requirements
Process varies by federal agency and within agencies (bureaus) DoD: three scenarios DoD representative develops scope of objectives (SOO) => Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) posted on Host CESU website(s) Unsolicited proposal submitted to DoD by CESU partner (RSOI unnecessary) Funding already competitively awarded (e.g., DoD’s Legacy Program)

10 Tips for Getting Started
Identify the need Review the DoD guidance documents ( Search for expertise to address the need CESU websites Experts database: Ches. Watershed, Great Basin, S. Appalachian Mtn. List of expertise: Great Rivers [Excel], N. Atlantic Coast, Rocky Mtn List of projects (all but one CESU) DoD CESU contacts, colleagues CESU Director, NPS Research Coordinator

11 CHWA CESU – Experts Database
Goals: Make it easier for federal partners to find non-federal researchers to complete their work Database will collect information from researchers, including searchable CVs and past research The database will launch in the Fall of 2018 Additional information can be found here Database was unveiled at the 2018 CHWA CESU Annual Meeting in June; you can watch the presentation along with reaction from the partners by visiting this link.

12 CHWA CESU – DoD Example Projects (3)
MCBQ – Integrated Resource Management Plan – Virginia Tech PRWI and MCBQ: Answering—Hibernate or Migrate? Detecting WNS Presence in the NCR Parks – Dr. Mark Ford and Virginia Tech Naval Air Station Oceana (NASO) Dam Neck Annex Dune Restoration - DoD– Naval Air Base (NAB) Little Creek and Joint Base Langley; Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana; Naval Air Station (NAS) Dam Neck Annex – Charmaine Dahlenburg – National Aquarium NASO - Coastal Sand Dune Restoration; Planting Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV); Invasive Species Removal; Combat effects of climate change on the coast of naval/air stations in the MD,DC,VA regions INRMP – being designed and implemented

13 DoD CESU Contacts DoD National CESU Program Manager: Alison Dalsimer DoD CESU Representatives: Californian: Dawn Lawson Chesapeake Watershed: Kevin Du Bois Colorado Plateau: Robert Knight Desert Southwest: Vacant Great Basin: Robert Knight Great Lakes – Northern Forest: Ray Rainbolt Great Plains: Alan Anderson Great Rivers: Alan Anderson Gulf Coast: James Parker Hawaii-Pacific Islands: Kapua Kawelo North and West Alaska: Gary Larsen North Atlantic Coast: Ray Rainbolt Pacific Northwest: Jeffrey Foster Piedmont – South Atlantic Coast: William Hunt Rocky Mountain: Alan Anderson South Florida – Caribbean: Michael Andrejko Southern Appalachian Mountains: Alan Anderson

14 Visit our CESU websites
Questions? us! Visit our CESU websites CHWA: NAC:

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