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7.5 Write and Graph Inequalities

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Presentation on theme: "7.5 Write and Graph Inequalities"— Presentation transcript:

1 7.5 Write and Graph Inequalities

2 Objective - To solve simple inequalities involving addition or subtraction.
Equals - Is the same as Is less than Is greater than Congruent - Same size and same shape Is less than or equal to Similar - Same shape Is greater than or equal to Is approximately equal to Is not equal to

3 Inequality Symbols Symbol Key Phrases -Is less than or equal to
-Is at most - Is no more than -Is greater than or equal to Is at least -Is no less than -Is less than -Is fewer than -Is greater than -Is more

4 How can you graphically show the following?

5 Write an inequality that represents each statement
and graph. 4) A number x is at least 2. 5) A number y is less than -2. 6) A number n is no more than 4.

6 Write an inequality that describes each graph below.
1) 4) 2) 5) 3) 6)



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