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Premium tax credits have made the cost of marketplace plans similar to employer plans for low-income adults, but adults with higher incomes pay more Percent.

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Presentation on theme: "Premium tax credits have made the cost of marketplace plans similar to employer plans for low-income adults, but adults with higher incomes pay more Percent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Premium tax credits have made the cost of marketplace plans similar to employer plans for low-income adults, but adults with higher incomes pay more Percent of adults ages 19–64 with single policies Paid less than $125 51% Adults with incomes below 250% FPL 55% 17% Adults with incomes 250% FPL or more 55% Notes: FPL refers to federal poverty level. 250% of FPL is $30,150 for an individual or $61,500 for a family of four. Segments may not sum to indicated total because of rounding and bars may not sum to 100 percent. Data: The Commonwealth Fund Affordable Care Act Tracking Survey, Feb.–Mar

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