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WOOD PRODUCTION Cecilia L. Eleonora V..

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Presentation on theme: "WOOD PRODUCTION Cecilia L. Eleonora V.."— Presentation transcript:

1 WOOD PRODUCTION Cecilia L. Eleonora V.

2 This is the procedure to produce wood.
FALLING: firstly the branches are partially eliminated: the definitive elimination occurs when the plain is cut down.

3 BARKING: the bark is taken out.
BREAKING OFF: the trunk is chunk down into pieces for an easy transport.

4 TRANSPORT: the transport can be on land or on water
TRANSPORT: the transport can be on land or on water. The terrestrial transport is done through the rolling, the dragging and the gravitational force. The fluvial transport is the easiest and the cheapest.

5 LEACHING: the lixiviation has the aim of eliminating the harmful substances from the wood. The wood is washed with running water. CUT: The trunk is cut down in the form requested by the market.

6 DESICCATION (OR SEASONNING): There are two types of desiccation:
The first is the natural desiccation the trunks are left in the open-air; The second is the artificial desiccation the wood is put into some dry kiln with hot air:

7 Credits “Tecnologia: Sapere e saper fare” Francesci C. – Caldesi R. – LE MONNIER

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