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Home Presentations.

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1 Home Presentations

2 Benefits of Home Presentation
Excellent way to share & introduce Neways Increases your contact list Increases your customer base Increases your distributor team Increases Personal Group Volume Increases your monthly commissions Creates a system for your team to teach and duplicate New clients, host invites, meet a whole new group of people, expand from there Use these new contacts to follow up with, share new products releases, 2 groups will develop: customers/distributors With each presentation the average PV is between This increase was significant especially when two or more presentations occurred per month. Commissions increased – along with team development Home presentations can give you and your team a system to run on. If everyone on your team does one presentation a month and increases their volume /400.00, your organizational volume will increase

3 Presentation Preparation
Invitations Catalogs Order forms Calculator Retail/wholesale price sheet Business Cards Product display Fact sheets on the featured product line Decide on what product line you’d like to highlight in your presentation Ones that I find successful – Skin care, Color Cosmetics, Combo – Healthy Living (Nutritionals/Personal Care)

4 Presentation Set Up Display set up
Around a table Living room environment Start on time/end on time –45 minutes to 1 hour Coach the host Give a short testimonial of their Neways experience Serve a beverage before Keep food/snacks simple Greet all guest upon arrival Thank the host for hosting the presentation Keep the set up simple and duplicateable Enter the host home with 1-2 bags. Shows simplicity to the host and her guest when you take down. Learn the guest’s names quickly. Call the guests by their first name when talking with them. – This shows you care and supports building a relationship When you thank the host, express your appreciate/gratitude for opening her/his home. Share the perks of hosting a presentation.

5 Presentation Use the Neways catalog Company overview/mission
Your story – passion for Neways Transfer buying Product line benefits Experience the product line Benefits of hosting a presentation Business Opportunity Close and take orders

6 Get Creative Offer retail or wholesale pricing
Offer discounts of 10%, 15%, 20% Offer the host free shipping Offer a special discount to guests who arrive on time Extra 5% discount Free shipping

7 Helpful Tips for Success
Be organized Develop a simple set up Love & care about the guests not the sale Practice your presentation but don’t wait to be perfect Just do it! Arrive 1 hour before the presentation Ask guests to host a presentation Plant the seed 2-3 times throughout the presentation Pack up & leave as soon as the orders are placed Call the host the next day to thank them for opening their home and how you enjoyed meeting their guests Be the product of the product!

8 Personal Experience Met people I would have never met
Touched people’s lives in a positive way Fun-filled experience Instantly increased monthly commissions Increased Organizational Volume Rank Advanced Excellent Support system for my team Distributors quickly ranked advanced Executives stayed qualified monthly Built customer base Built teams within teams Home Presentations work!

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