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Presentation on theme: "01a."— Presentation transcript:

1 01a

2 Magnetic midnight 01c

3 Pseudobreakup 03 Full Onset

4 This needs work as the onset is visible in the white light ASIs by 0604 UT (at the latest) – needs to be refined and likely would be better in the CGSM 558 nm images (TBD). 05b

5 06d

6 Onset Arc Location in Magnetospheric Roadmap

7 07a

8 07b

9 07c

10 Bx By Bz C B 09b

11 09f TACO 2Hz White Light Imager onset arc growth phase arc
THEMIS ASI pixel size growth phase arc dark correction bin 09f

12 TACO 2Hz White Light Imager
onset arc Equatorward motion 09g

13 Next Steps Mag response, SuperDARN at auroral/high latitude (no Blackstone echoes), antarctic ASI, riometer, FAST, GOES…. Intermittency, radial location of first breakup. 09h

14 Questions Related to March 5, 2008 0600+ event
Establish (magnetospheric) topological location of onset arc. Establish (magnetospheric) geographical location of arc. Have (resolve?) the t=0 debate (is “onset” meaningful in all events?). Can we relate waves in aurora to waves in current sheet? Why does the outer CPS aurora brighten before onset? Why is the arc that brightens a new arc? What can we infer from the fact that the arc is so L-shell aligned? Why is the dipolarization at TH-C and GOES 11 so much later? What controls the azimuthal evolution of the breakup? What is the magnetotail instability? Is this CD or NENL? [is that meaningful in the these cases]? SOC and turbulence – can we establish from TH-D/E that the L~11 magnetosphere is in a critical state in the late growth phase? Why is the injection “spiky” in this event (like February 26)?

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