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Make it a Great Day! Friday, March 1st, 2019

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1 Make it a Great Day! Friday, March 1st, 2019
*Good Things* Opening Warm-up: What is supranational cooperation? List any other examples of supranational cooperation in the world that you know? Work Session: Finish Partner Lesson 14 – Supranational Cooperation in the European Union (EU) 14.3 – Economic Cooperation in the EU – pgs – whole class example of text mining 14.4 – Political Cooperation in the EU – pgs – text mining with partner 14.5 – Cultural Cooperation in the EU – pgs – text mining with partner 14.6 – Beginning to Think Globally – pg. 221 & 14.7 – Global Connections – pgs – whole class Essential Question(s): What forces work for and against supranational cooperation among nations? SSWG 3d Closing Cool-down: Will the EU last? Why or why not? Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Textbook – pgs Partner Lesson 14 – Supranational Cooperation in the European Union (EU)

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