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The Acts of the Apostles

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1 The Acts of the Apostles
Acts 22 – Paul’s First Defense in Jerusalem (Conclusion of Third Journey) Sunday – March 31, 2019

2 Paul’s Defense In Jerusalem.

3 Paul’s Defense Background (22:3-5). Born in Tarsus of Cilicia.
Trained in Jerusalem at the feet of Gamaliel. (cf. Acts 5:34–39) Gamaliel: reputation as one of the greatest teachers of Jewish history. Gamaliel, whose students included Saul of Tarsus (later known as the apostle Paul, Acts 23:3), taught in the famous school founded by his grandfather, Hillel. The school of Hillel was more liberal and tolerant than its rival school founded by Shammai. (Truth Commentaries) Paul was “instructed in the strict manner of the law of our fathers”

4 Paul’s Defense Paul was zealous for God (boiling over with enthusiasm to serve God in His law). Paul states that he can relate to these Jews zeal. He at one time shared their same mind (22:3b,20). He to persecuted anyone who named Jesus as the Messiah (the way) to death (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:7ff). Paul persecuted Christians to death and imprisoned them by the authority of the high priest who could surely bear witness to his statements (cf. Acts 9:1ff). Paul gives an example found in Acts 9 when he had gained permission to travel to Damascus to bring back Christians.

5 Paul’s Defense Paul reveals his conversation and sighting of Jesus on the road to Damascus (22:6-22) Ananias greets Paul and miraculously heals his eyes (22:13). Ananias tells Paul that he has been “appointed” by Jesus Christ to be an apostle (22:14). To be “appointed” is to “take into one’s hands; to set before one’s self, to propose, to determine; to choose, to appoint” (Thayer 554). Paul was hand picked by Jesus to be an apostle. Paul was to know the true will of God. Paul was to be an eyewitness of Jesus in his resurrected state and tell others about him (9:15;22:15; 26:18ff).

6 Paul’s Defense Acts 22:16, “And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on his name.” “To wash away; in the NT twice; Acts 22:16; 1 Corinthians 6:11. For the sinner is unclean, polluted as it were by the filth of his sins. Whoever obtains remission of sins has his sins put, so to speak, out of God’s sight, is cleansed from them in the sight of God. Remission is represented as obtained by undergoing baptism; hence those who have gone down into the baptismal bath are said to have washed themselves, or to have washed away their sins, i.e. to have been cleansed from their sins.” (Thayer 65).

7 Paul’s Defense Acts 22:16, “And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on his name.” Paul’s baptism was a “washing” (22:16; Ephesians 5:26; 1 Peter 3:21). apoloúsœ, to wash oneself clean from, to be freed from sin. In Acts 22:16 it gives prominence to the cleansing from sin connected with salvation. (The Complete Word Study Dictionary)

8 Paul’s Defense It involves obedience. See Acts 2:21
Ananias expresses urgency, “Why tarriest thou?” To “call upon the name” of the Lord is more than a verbal calling. Matthew 7:21; 6:46 It involves obedience. See Acts 2:21 NOW! Note examples of conversion.

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