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Past actions:Geçmişteki olayları anlatır

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Presentation on theme: "Past actions:Geçmişteki olayları anlatır"— Presentation transcript:

1 Past actions:Geçmişteki olayları anlatır
Simple Past Tense 2 Past actions:Geçmişteki olayları anlatır

2 Simple Past Tense 2 (past actions)
Geçmişteki eylemleri anlatır I watched T.V lastnight. We didn’t go on a picnic yesterday.


4 Time expressions Time Adverbs / zaman zarfları
Yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday evening, etc. Two days ago, three months ago, a year ago, etc. Last night, last week, last year, last Tuesday, last July, etc. in 1966, in 2008 ,in April, at two o’clock, This morning,this afternoon,this evening

5 Regular-Irregular verbs
1.Present 2.Past 3.Past Participle Go Do Swim Drink Buy Think Cut Put Went Did Swam Drank Bouht Thought Gone Done Swum Drunk Bought 1.Present 2.Past 3.Past Participle Walk Listen Watch Study Wash Walked Listened Watched Studied Washed

6 Fill in the blanks using the corect form of the verbs.
1-We ………at the party.(meet) 2-I shopping yesterday.(go) 3-Did you apple ? (eat) 4-I in the office untill midnigt. (work) 5-John…..all the dishes.(wash) 6-Mary ………..her homework yesterday.(do) 7-Sally…………..a letter lastnight.(write) 8-Tom……….. his jacket lastnight. (not/wear) 9-…….you………..your room on Sunday?(tidy) 10-What…………he…….for the breakfast? (have) 11-Jack………..the window lastweek.(break) 12-The children………a nice time at the party.(have) 13-My dad………….us to cinema lastnight.(take) 14-…… mum …….the meat yesterday?(cook) 15-We ………her lastweek.(see) 16-I…………(notsee) her this morning. 17-……you………(eat) a hamburger yesterday?(+) 18-what time …………………..(get up )this morning? 19-He………………(bring) his books yesterday. 20-Tim ……………(break) the window last week. 21-She ……………….(swim) in the sea last summer. 22-They……………(write) the letters. 23-David……………(ride) his bike yesterday. 24-We ……………..(drive) to work last week. 25-He ……………(do) his homework at weekend. 26-What …………you……………(do) lastnighr? 27-They………………..(go) shopping last week. 28-…………….Mary……………(wash) the dishes? 29-When ……….you……………(paint) your room? 30-We………(have) dinner at a restaurant lastnight.

7 Answer the questions 1-What did you do lastnight?
2 -Did you eat kebab for the lunch?(+) 3-Who bought a bike lastmonth? (you) 4-Where did you go lastmonth? (Antalya) 5-Did your father come home early lastnight?(+) 6-When did you last go to a cinema?(2 years ago) 7-Who broke the wase? (Tom) 8-Did you have breakfast this morning? (+) 9-What time did the first lesson start this morning? 10-Did you see your cousin lastmonth? (+) 11-Where did you live ten years ago? 12-Did you buy a book last week? (+) 13-Where did you go last week? (Mersin) 14-Did your mother mahe a pizza for you? (+) 15-When did you fiinish primary school? 16-What did you send to your friend? (a letter) 17-Did you help your father yesterday ? (-) 18-Did you hear a noise lastnight?(+) 19-What happened at school yesterday? ( a boy fall) 20-Did you study yesterday? (+)

8 Positive form (+) I You We They walked yesterday
He slept well last night. She It

9 Negative (-) I You We They did not walk yesterday.
He didn’t sleep well last night. She It

10 Yes-No questions (?) I Short answers You Yes,I did. We
Did They walk yesterday. He sleep last night. No,I didn’t She It

11 Wh-questions (?) What did you do lastnight?
Where did she go yesterday? What did they buy five days ago? Where did the cat escape?

12 The End Prepared by; Gültekin Keskin

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