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Writing Term Paper: Guidelines

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Term Paper: Guidelines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Term Paper: Guidelines

2 Outlines What is Term Paper? Why Term Paper?
Objectives of the Term Paper Structure of Term Paper: General Guidelines

3 Term Paper It is a research paper
Critical analysis/discussion of particular issue Present evidence informed arguments

4 Why Term Paper? Creative and analytical writing skills
Expand new horizons of thinking Connection of theory with practice

5 Objective The main objective of writing a Term Paper is to enhance analytical and creative writing skills of the trainee officers in contemporary issues, themes with theoretical/conceptual dimensions, analysis, and their innovative thoughts and suggestions.

6 General Guidelines Selection of Topic:
Choose a topic of your interest (related to contemporary issues, themes etc. about your job, service delivery as discussed in different modules of your BAT course till the date) Be sure that the topic is pertinent/relevant, concise, noble and meaningful NOTE :The topic selected is suggested to be upon the specified authority or scope of the individuals

7 Background Background Structure of the paper.
Set background of the Term Paper (NOT as partial fulfillment of your training programme but about the topic or area of writing) and introduce what the paper is about and justification on selection of the topic. (1-2 pages ) Structure of the paper. Note:Structure of paper here means what is included in the following chapters/sections.

8 Literature Review Include theoretical (what theory says) and practical aspect including any existing relevant literatures (2-3 pages)

9 Critical Assessment (Analysis)
Analyze from multiple dimensions and Highlight the differences in theory and practice, and elaborate the basis why such differences exist (issues of structure or/and Behaviour such as Cultural, behavior, integrity, technology, resources, .competency, skills etc.) Length: 2-3 pages

10 Conclusion Conclude your writing as summary of what you studied/reviewed, interpreted and found. Findings Length: Half a page

11 Recommendation Put your thoughts as recommendation on how the issue could be resolved; the situation could be improved; or handled differently (the perspective is how you could do better if you were responsible one for the situation) Possibility for future works/ way forward. Length: 1 -2 pages with clear description

12 References List down the references of literatures- books, articles, research papers etc. you reviewed for preparing the Term Paper

13 Annexure Supporting documents/table/lists/figures etc. related to your writing (if any)

14 Time Line Officer Trainees are required to prepare paper within Two weeks from the date of assignment Submit to the Group Coordinator, and present the Paper in plenary at given date.

15 General Info Total pages: 7-10 pages (excluding reference and annexure) Font Style and Size: Times New Roman 12 Font, Unicode Nepali 12 Font or Preeti 16 Font Spacing: 1.5 Paper Size: A4 Presentation Time: 10 Minutes per person (7 min for presentation and 3 min for discussion)

16 Thank You

17 Abstract Citizen Charter is an instrument of citizen centric governance that confirms quality in public service delivery by holding public sector organizations directly accountable, responsive, and transparent. Bearing this thing in mind, we disclose the current picture of Citizen Charter in Nepali public sector organizations from service receiver's perspectives. For this, we conducted surveys in key six public sector organizations (transport office, land revenue office, district administration office, inland revenue office, metropolitan city and court) of Lalitpur Metropolitan city by using client exist interview method with the help of semi-structured interview schedule in The result of the study shows that utilization of Citizen Charter is extensively low. Service receivers are not fully aware and well informed about its values. They prefer to receive services by asking from duty bearers, intermediate (agent) and previous service receivers than Citizen Charter. They believe there is no consistency in promises of Citizen Charter and behavior of duty bearers. However, some service receivers are demanding services as per Citizen Charter. Key words: Citizen Charter, services, service receiver, and public sector organizations ©NASC 2018

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