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Miss Levino and Ms. Salzer

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1 Miss Levino and Ms. Salzer
In-Text Citations

2 Direct quote or paraphrase Comment
Sandwich Method Lead in material -A comment or idea that leads into the quote you want to use Direct quote or paraphrase -Either a direct quote pulled from the text or the text in your own words Comment -Make a statement that supports your use of the text

3 How To Cite Divergent MLA format:
Roth, Veronica. Divergent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, Print. In-Text Citation Only source: -“I doubt he has an independent thought in his brain” (93). Multiple sources: -“I doubt he has an independent thought in his brain” (Roth 93).

4 Example #1-Quote When Christina describes Drew to Tris, she states, “I doubt he has an independent thought in his brain” (93). This shows how Drew is a follower rather than a leader. Lead in material Direct quote Comment

5 Example #2- Passage Tris’s mother is very selfless and serves as an exemplary abnegation figure. “She manages city improvement projects,” and works to help others, like the Factionless (31). Until visiting day, Tris’ mother kept her past well hidden. Lead in material Passage Comment Notice how the citation is ALWAYS at end of sentence and BEFORE the period

6 Example #3-Paraphrase In the beginning of Divergent, Tris struggles with her decision of which faction to choose. The audience sees this internal struggle through her thoughts and emotions when she doubts her ability to be selfless (43). Through her doubt, it is evident that she does not belong with the Abnegation. Lead in material Paraphrase Comment

7 Works Cited Title it : Works Cited List sources in alphabetical order
First line is all the way to the left but any following lines are indented First part of citation is what is used in a parenthetical citation unless two start with the same thing then move on to next word EX: Smith, Allen. When I Was Young. (When) Smith, Allen. Growing Up. (Growing) Smith, John. My journey. (John)

8 Works Cited Cont. Website: Levino, Lindsey. “How To Properly Cite Your Sources.” English 12 Review. Pickerington Central Studios, 20 Feb Web. 24 Feb Book: Roth, Veronica. Divergent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, Print. Book Online: Roth, Veronica. Divergent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, Web. 24 Feb

9 Helpful Citation Sites
Purdue OWL: LIU: EasyBib:

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