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facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Sandra Day O’Connor Logout

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1 facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Sandra Day O’Connor Logout Sandra Day O’Connor “The power I exert on the court depends on the power of the power of my arguments, not my gender" Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Sandra (5) Sandra Day O’Connor just retired as a member of the Supreme Court. Now I can go on that huge vacation I promised the kids. December 12, 2000 Quotes Send Sandra a message Poke Sandra “I need to retire from retirement.” Sandra Day O’Connor I voted in the Missouri vs. Jenkins case that district courts have no authority to require the state of Missouri to increase school funding in order to counteract racial inequality. June 12, 1995 Information Networks: United States Supreme Court Birthday: March 26, 1930 Political: Republican Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: El Paso, Texas “I wanted to be a cattle rancher when I was young, because it was what I knew and I loved it. “ Jeffrey Rosen just thought I would let you know that you are an eloquent opponent of intrusive group searches that threaten privacy without increasing security. August 19, 1983 Sandra Day O’Connor is always the swing vote of the Court. October 28, 1982 “Young women today often have very little appreciation for the real battles that took place to get women where they are today in this country. I don't know how much history young women today know about those battles.” Friends Ronald Reagan today is your big day! You will make history by being the first female member of the United States Supreme Court. September 25, 1981 John Ronald Warren Sandra Day O’Connor is now married to the sweetest guy on earth: John Jay O’Connor. December 20, 1952 Alberto Sonia Elena

2 facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Sandra Day O’Connor Logout Sandra Day O’Connor “The power I exert on the court depends on the power of the power of my arguments, not my gender" Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: United States Supreme Court Sex: Female Birthday: May 26, 1930 Hometown: El Paso, Texas Relationship Status: Widow of John Jay O’Connor (III) Political Views: Republican Religious Views: Episcopalian View photos of Sandra (5) Send Sandra a message Poke Sandra Personal Information Activities: Being with my family, Cooking, Reading, Traveling Interests: Enjoying Life, Cures for Alzheimer's Disease, Solving Problems Favorite Music: Good Golly Miss Molly, Blueberry Hill, & Sweet Little Sixteen Favorite Movies: The Godfather, Night in the City, Bambi, & To Kill a Mockingbird Favorite TV Shows: Oprah, Andy Griffith, I Love Lucy, CNN, History Channel, CSPAN Favorite Books: Lazy B, Chico, The Majesty of Law, Finding Susie, &The Life of Law Information Networks: United States Supreme Court Birthday: March 26, 1930 Political: Republican Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: El Paso, Texas Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Adobe Ave. Stafford, Arizona 34906 Phone Number: (202) The Family Updated last Tuesday Me Working with the Supreme Court Updated two months ago

3 facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Sandra Day O’Connor Logout Sandra Day O’Connor “The power I exert on the court depends on the power of the power of my arguments, not my gender" Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Sandra 8 Photos Sandra’s Albums 2 Photo Albums Me Working with the Supreme Court 5 photos 5 photos The Family 1 photo Profile Pictures

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