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L k what we are learning this week!

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Presentation on theme: "L k what we are learning this week!"— Presentation transcript:

1 L k what we are learning this week!
Name: _________________ March 19 – March 23 Daily Homework Sheet Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Read for 20 minutes Read your Word Study words and definitions to someone. Matching Definitions Correct the Paragraph In your opinion are you glad that Spring is here? Write a detailed paragraph. Include an introduction, state your opinion, give 3 reasons, and end with a conclusion. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! Parent Signature: log, logue = word apology – n. a statement saying you are sorry about something; an expression of regret for having done or said something wrong. dialogue – n. the things that are said by the characters in a story, movie, or play. epilogue – n. a final section or speech after the main part of a book, play, or musical composition. eulogy – n. a speech that praises or honors someone who has died. monologue – n. a long speech given by a character in a story, movie, or play, or by a performer. mono-, uni- = one monopoly – n. complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market; complete ownership or control of something. monotonous – n. something that is boring because it is always the same. monogamy – n. the state or practice of being married or partnered to only one person at a time. unison – n. a process in which something is done or achieved together at the same time. universal – n. done or experienced by everyone; existing or available for everyone; existing or true at all times or in all places. L k  what we are learning this week! Writing-Self assessment of my writing Reader’s Workshop: Comparing paired passages Reading- Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief Reading is the MOST important homework and should be done EVERY night! 

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