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The meaning and usage in George Orwell’s Animal Farm

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1 The meaning and usage in George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Propaganda The meaning and usage in George Orwell’s Animal Farm

2 What is Propaganda? Propaganda is generally an appeal to emotion, not intellect: There is usually a lack of logic Or logic is skewed/distorted Propaganda shares techniques with advertising and public relations: promotes a commercial product through emotion (not fact) shapes the perception of an organization, person, or brand (through manipulation, not logic) Post World War II propaganda: refers to political or nationalist uses of these techniques to promote ideas.

3 Types of Propaganda Ad hominem:
Attacking the opponent personally instead of the opponent’s ideas

4 Types of Propaganda Ad nauseam
Tireless repetition of an idea or slogan Examples: “…. or the terrorists win” “It’s my money!”

5 Types of Propaganda Appeal to Authority
Shows important people to support a position, idea, argument, or course of action: Example: “If the president says it’s true, than it must be true because he is the president."

6 Types of Propaganda Appeal to fear: Example:
“If you don’t do this, we will all die!!!!!!” "Voting for him is the same as voting for the terrorists."

7 Types of Propaganda Appeal to Prejudice
Based on race, ethnicity, social-class Example: “If you want to fight poverty, get a job.” “If you support this bill, you only support the rich.”

8 Types of Propaganda Bandwagon:
This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. Everyone’s doing it, so it must be good! Example: “82% of Americans are jumping off bridges these days. When will you?”

9 Types of Propaganda Common man/Plain Folks
Attempts to convince the audience that the propagandist's positions reflect the common sense of the people. Example: “Buy Blue Bell ice cream. It’s blue bell country style. And blue bell is better by a country smile.”

10 Propaganda used in Animal Farm
Read Chapters 4 and 5 paying special attention to any possible forms of propaganda used Then, working individually or in groups (no more than 3), choose a project from the menu activities to complete on propaganda.

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