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In-class task.

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1 In-class task

2 Task 1 (A1) No of Questions: 4 Task type: True/False Desciptor: Students will be able to follow short, simple, spoken instructions, especially if they include pictures,

3 Task 2 (A2) No of questions: 4 Task Type: Gap-fill CEFR Descriptor: Students will be able to extract the gist and relevant specific information in short recorded passages about predictable everyday routines which are spoken slowly and clearly.

4 Task 3 (A2) No of questions: 4 Task Type Three-option multiple-choice
CEFR Descriptor: Students will be able to recognize essential information from short recorded passages dealing with past events and dates.

5 Task 4 (A2) No of questions: 4 Task Type: Matching
CEFR Desciptor: Students will be able to understand the overall meaning of short recorded conversations on everyday topics such as accepting and refusing an offer/invitation; apologizing; and making simple inquiries.

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