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Evidence Based Practices

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1 Evidence Based Practices
Adapted from Reading First legislation & Dr. Lorei Meanor, DE Dept of Ed and

2 What Is Reading First? It is a __________________ to support states in making every child a proficient reader (reading at or above grade level) by the end of _____ grade.

3 How Will Reading First Accomplish This Goal?
Reading First will focus on classroom learning by incorporating: ________________ with proven validity and reliability that support elementary educators in high-need schools. The ___ essential components of reading instruction Aligned ______________________ Resources for establishing research-based reading programs for students in Kindergarten–Grade 3.

4 How Will Reading First Accomplish This Goal?
Reading First will provide the federal funds needed to assist states, districts and schools in establishing reading programs in which reading instruction is informed by __________________________________.

5 Why Reading First? Nationally:
___% of children learn to read effortlessly “on their own” (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998). ____% to ____% of children learn to read easily when exposed to formal instruction, regardless of instructional emphases (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998). Too many primary-age students have difficulty learning to read.

6 The Significance of Primary Students Lacking Basic Reading Skills
A child who is not at least a modestly skilled reader by the end of third grade is ________________________________. Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998)

7 Reading First Classrooms
Will use: A high-quality, comprehensive reading program based on scientifically based reading research.

8 3-Tier Reading Model: Preventing Reading Difficulties
Primary: A ________________________ grounded in scientifically based reading research. The program and classroom instruction focuses on the ______________. Secondary: Additional, _____________________ to students who score below benchmark criteria in one or more critical areas of reading. Tutoring is provided to groups of four to five students for 30 minutes per day. Tertiary: Designed for students with low reading skills and sustained lack of adequate progress when provided with primary and secondary intervention. Tutoring is more _________ and includes more ____________ designed to meet the individual needs of struggling readers. Group size is _________, and the duration of daily instruction is _______.

9 Scientifically Based Reading Research
What is it and will I recognize it when I see it?

10 Scientifically Based Reading Research is the same as

11 International Reading Association
Scientifically Based Reading Research & Evidence Based Reading Instruction International Reading Association (EBRI) There is valid and reliable evidence Material has been tested and has a proven record of success No Child Left Behind (SBRR) Research is valid, reliable and replicable Involves application of rigorous, systematic and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge about the program or materials

12 SBRR & EBRI: 5 Points to Look for:
______________ data that can be interpreted in the same manner by any evaluator Does the publisher cite more than 1 evaluator’s research? __________ data which adequately represent the tasks that children need accomplish When you read the studies, do they seem to describe students completing the same tasks you would want your students to accomplish?

13 ____________ data which remain essentially the same from study to study
Does the data from multiple studies stay the same regardless of evaluator ? ______________ data are collected using a rigorous design of experimentation or observation Do the studies have rigorous standards?

14 ____________ Have you read about this product in a reading /education journal? Do the publishers cite studies in reputable reading/education journals?

15 Today publishers provide data to support their products!
If not, ask for the data If not in evidence, DO NOT BUY

16 Our Responsibility To become knowledgeable about _________
To have clear objectives for the use of reading materials/programs and be able to answer this question: “__________________________________” To be able to evaluate reading materials and programs using SBRR

17 Reading Educational Research
List research question(s) Describe participants/setting Describe the intervention Describe the measures that were used Summarize the findings How could you incorporate these findings into your classroom?

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